
What do u think of the name "Sioux" 4 a girl ??

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I'm not pregnant, I just need help 4 a friend.

Do u think this name is too odd ?

It could be a different way to spell Sue ...




  1. sorry, but i think thats a pretty odd, unless your friend is angelina jolie of course (haha). i think the baby would kind of resent her name as she gets older :I

    congrats for your friend though!!!

  2. Its an unusual spelling on a common name. Not a good choice.

  3. I'm sorry but it makes me think of a French Pastry

  4. umm i woud'nt but heres a nice sorta unique name- Danika it means The morning star its Slavonic also these-

    Cassia From the tree Hebrew

    Celeste Heavenly Latin

    Ceres Goddess of corn Latin

    Cerise Cherry red French

    Chandra The shining moon Sanskrit

    Charis The graceful one Greek

    Charity Loving and benevolent Latin

    Chiara Bright and famous Latin

    Ciara An Irish saint Irish

    Ciera Dark, black Irish

    Cressida The golden one Greek

    Dacey The southerner Gaelic

    Dacia An ancient country Greek

    Dae Destined for greatness Korean

    Dai Great one Japanese

    Dalena Valley English

  5. No way.  That'd be about as bad as people naming their kid Dakota.  In other words, I find it offensive to the Native American tribe, unless you're friend is actually from that tribe that is.

  6. Honestly, any name that is incredibly difficult for people to pronounce or spell in the country they live in, is not the best choice.

    All the best.  

  7. No, I don't think it's too old, and I wouldn't change the spelling.  It's cute and unique as it is.  I like it very much.

  8. Its pretty and different


  9. Don't  like it

  10. I don't think it's too old, but I agree with the answerers who have expressed the idea that it does not make a lot of sense if the baby has no native American heritage.  

  11. I really like it, my friend's middle name is Sioux. I think it's real pretty, definitely if there is meaning behind it (like if you have Sioux in you)

  12. I don't like the name Sue or Sioux. Both too old fashioned.*

  13. I don't like it

  14. I dont like this name at all. I'm from Michigan and it reminds me too much of the Sioux St. Marie. Not a good choice. Sorry.  

  15. i like it, it's a cool name

  16. How about an actual name and not a made-up name?


    She is NOT allowed to name her child Sioux.

    Yeah I know you think it's cute and all to name kids after Native American tribes. Well, it's not. You obviously have no idea about the rituals that go into naming children Native American names. Well, I'm here to inform you, as a member of the Iroquois Confederacy myself. To name your child after a tribe is incredibly disrespectful. The tribe is seen as a holy thing. She can NOT name her child Sioux. Would you name your child Jesus Christ? No, you wouldn't mess with a person's religion like that. So don't let your friend go stomping on Native American religion just because you think it'd be cute or funky or trendy to give her a Native name. Even if it was an ACCEPTABLE name, (aka not modern bogus like Cheyenne or Dakota or Winona or Sioux, which aren't Native names) she would have to go through a whole tribal ritual of naming her child that name, before she could actually do it.

    Please, be a little respectful.

    In conclusion, I give Sioux a big thumbs down.

  18. If it is not your heritage, its going to look stupid.

  19. I'm siding with Roxnn, Lisa, and crew on this one: it would be an incredibly difficult and offensive name to have. I know about the Souix tribe and their sad history. I think it's pretty tacky to use it as a name, or just as a 'different' way to spell Sue. If it's not your heritage, it's tasteless. If it is, there are better ways to honor that part of your culture. If you tell someone your name is Souix, they're going to assume it's Sue, and it's short for Susan, Susanne, or Susannah, not like the Souix tribe.

  20. If Sioux Indians mean something to you that's fine, but if not, it'll look silly, sorry

    Why not find a different name is Sue is not unique enough?

  21. nah I don't like it.

  22. bad choice

  23. too weird go out and get your friend a baby name book I once gave 1

    as a gift because it also explains what names mean which I feel is

    very important(p.s. the book smelled like baby powder and she just

    loved it)she named baby Jonelle after John anyway though

  24. i think the name Sue looks too old..but Sioux looks like a newer name, and it sounds young and girly. I like it.

  25. Very very unique...

    But I didn't learn the pronunciation till I was like 10.

    Lots of teasing will come along with it and "Sue" is a boring name spelt weirdly or not.

  26. I feel if you want to use that, you'd be better off with Sue. Try Susanna or something, and nickname her Sue if you want, but your friend needs to be warned that no one will ever spell it right, most likely.

  27. That would be really really bad--don't advise anyone to name their child Sioux please.

  28. How the **** do you pronounce that? Like Sue?? You got to be kidding me that is so weird.

  29. no

  30. It's nasty.  Not only that, if she has no ties to any Native American tribe, it's ridiculous to use a name like that.  Furthermore, Sue is short for Susan, Susannah, and Suzanne.  A nickname is awful as a full name.

  31. I love it, it is so unusual tell your friend to go for it !!!!

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