
What do u think of this board?

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k well i got a new board for my birthday

(this is not mine i just found this on internet, mine looks just like it)

its super ugly!! but i dont care i just wanted a new board

is this a good board if anyone knows its a 6"8 surfbetty nsp

i use to have a 6"6 ronjon board

do u think my new one would be easier to ride because it a little bigger? (only by 2 inches)

will i have more fun on this new one or my fish board?

im really thinking about selling this one for another fish.. good idea or bad?

hellp? advice?




  1. It looks like a good board to me, I like the style of it.

  2. It's not an ugly board. And as far as quality, it's the same as Ron Jons; both are pop outs. If you try to sell your new board, you'll lose at least 100.00 in value. Why don't you keep your fish and the new Surf Betty? I've seen a lot of NSP's in the water and the surfers are having fun on them. Use the fish when it's mushy and the SB on better days. And please show appreciation to whomever bought the new board for your birthday. It was a generous, thoughtful gift.

  3. it's good

  4. I don't want to disappoint you, but the board you are looking at here is JUNK. Surf Betty, and NSP products are mass produced popouts, that are cool to learn on, but once you learn how to surf, they need to be shipped off to the consignment rack in a surf shop.

    There are hundreds of good shapers in the world. Some are big companies, like Rusty,Channel islands, Lost etc. Some are smaller, local shapers, who build great surfboards. Do yourself a favor and buy a real surfboard.

    I guess if you are very young, and to learn on, any popout is okay. I'd personally recommend Bic, as a little bit more durable popout, with some good designs. However, if you are anywhere beyond that, do yourself a favor, buy a real board. Check out the link, it will explain a little bit about popouts to you.

  5. i think your just getting it because it looks "cool" it's probably not hand shaped therefore S**t

    edit. sorry that was a little harsh. its not a horrible board but if you don't like it in the water than just sell it.

  6. you can't tell if you will like a board until you try it.  as far as the quality, yea it should be a decent board and should hold up well if you are nice to it.

  7. Pretty chill board you want. Nice!

    Go ahead and get it, it's fine to me.


  8. thats fine

  9. nice!

  10. I am more or less completely against the idea of popout boards with the exception of beginners.  The one nice thing about the NSPs is that they are a more durable epoxy sandwich construction so it will take some punishment.  The NSPs tend to be on the heavy side though.

    Will the two inches make a difference?  Hard to say since I don't know what shape your 6'6" is.  Don't just look at length but width as well.  Bigger is better for learning but may become boring once you get the basics down.

    Once you're ready to graduate go to  a local surf shop and get a hand shaped board or better yet find a local shaper and have him make on for you.

  11. that's a nice might be a little bit easier and if u wana have an easier time surfing stick with the long, if u wana get kind of technical get the fish...but hey what ever fits u best

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