
What do u think of this dress?

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keira knightley wore it last night to the premier of...THE DUCHESS....

and i was just wondering wether u like





  1. Her shoulders make me feel sick!! But yeah the dress doesn't go with the shoes and the netting at the bottom is too long, her legs don't look long enough to carry off the dress, in fact the dress looks too big for her. Like the colour though. I also hate the bows.


  3. omg she is sooo thin it hurts :S

    this dress seems to be huge on her...

    its pretty though :)

  4. The black lace does not look good. Maybe it would with something else there instead or nothing instead.



  5. I really like it - it looks great on her - really good for her age. So many stars dress too old for their years!!

    On the lace detail - at a glance I thought it wasn't a hit - but looking at it again it is actually what makes the dress nice as without it it would be a plain blue dress with very little to draw the eye in.

    Love the shoes - the toe on them is a nice contrast to the girliness of the dress!! The ring the hair the make-up...all looks fab!!

    Great look!!

  6. nice dress but could have done without the frills at the top and bottom.

  7. I don't really like the lace at the top and bottom

    But it might have looked better if the rest of the dress was black?

    Oh and I don't like the bows :P

  8. It's a nice dress and all. I love the color, but the lace things look too.. wild. She kinda looks like a peacock to be honest. I would wear that dress without the lace!  

  9. before you scroll down it's gorgeous!


  10. its ok but not great

    pls answer mine everyone i want as many answers as poss

  11. It looks itchy!

    And it doesn't look too it would hurt to sit down.

  12. looks like somethin someone would wear to a funeral

  13. I think it's gorgeous. Simple, elegant and classy. However, if I was a huge star and going to those premieres, I would use the opportunity to sport an expensive designer gown! One of those full length dresses. Maybe she just fancied a change as I have seen her wearing those before, and she got to wear enough in the film. So all in all, good choice Keira!

  14. I love it. its cute. Except for the black lace at the bottom and top of the dress. thats ugly.

  15. yes, i like it, but i think it would look better if she wore pearl earrings.

  16. I think the design is pretty cute but the material combination doesn't work for me.

  17. personally, I don't really care for it. I don't like the bow things. lol, other than that though i think it's alright

  18. To be honest i dont really like it.. ;l

    it would look better as a long black dress with the same black bits at the top and flowing at the bottom. :)

  19. i don't like the frilly bits at the bottom but the top bit is nice and i would rather wear heels than flats with it. its nice

  20. I like it....maybe looks better without the black bit at the top tho....but c'mon she could wear anything ang get away with it! xx

  21. It reminds me about those  80s dresses for ew years eve party, love the blue color though...

    Could even fit well on a barbie ...always from 80 s 90 s

    I dont like the net and I dont think is the perfect dress for her skin tone and her small chest.

    Not a happy choice!

  22. Yuck! It would be lovely without the black lacy bits. The bit at the top looks really uncomfortable!

  23. I like the colour and the top ruffles, but I think the bottom ruffles and bows just make it tacky.

  24. sorry not my looks like someone was running out of time and sewed a dress and through some black net on it just to make the money.if someone asked me to wear that i would kill my

  25. Don't like it, bet she was scratching all night!

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