
What do u think of this gadget?

by  |  earlier

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  1. They do work.  We have them installed around by some of the shops where youths were hanging out and it did get rid of them.  The only problem is that sometimes adults can hear it too which must drive them mad and also it annoys the innocent youngsters who are just going to the shop innocently to buy something.  Proper policing would be a better deterrent xxxx

  2. 'cruel and unusual' what if they just want to go to the store to buy a dam candy bar?

  3. Will they repel blacks, and homosexuals? If so  I'll take a dozen and turn each of them on at the same time!

  4. as I'm over 21......

    I think the gadget was a good/reasonable & brilliant Idea.

    shame human rights had to come along & complicate matters.

    As a dispersal tool it was excellent, what are these under-siege from teenage hooligans areas/places suppose to use now?

    Harsh Language?

    if it saved one neighbourhood from pointless graffiti,

    wanton vandalism & unprovoked assaults of innocent bystanders,

    isn't it worth it to upset a few, for the sake of the many?

  5. WHAT ?  WHAT ? Did you say something ? I must be getting old ! I didn't hear the question !

  6. It's a great idea!

  7. Ridiculous. If they had devices like that for old people, black people, or even fat people, it woud not be accepted. It is unfair and somewhat cruel. What happened to security gaurds?

  8. if its heard by teens, wont kids hear it too.

    for instance you are taking your baby down a street and suddenly see teens blocking their ears and then your baby starts balling its eyes out. thats just stupid.

  9. Can't hear you over that high pitched squealing, I'm outta here..

  10. brilliant idea and sad that council got rid of them, should get rid of the council themselves

  11. cool ,what do you do with them?

  12. wow well it would stop like breaking in stores and stuff. i dont quite get it the high pitch noise like scarres you away or something??

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