
What do u think of this judge re Sharia law in the UK. Yr views plse?

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  1. First of all there is no intention to judge non-Muslims under Sharia law.

    (Although it hasn't covered the question of mixed marriages I see.)

    His statement said 'so long as no punishments that conflict with the established law are involved, and as long as divorces are made to comply with the civil law'  which means that we won't be having beatings and stonings outside the Tower of London.

    Established law/civil law = English/Scottish law.

    If there any further questions regarding any positive descrimination in his remarks these should surely be referred to Harriet Harman as she seems to consider herself an expert in this field at the moment

  2. Seems fair. Jewish people already have their own laws for  Civil matters. And if you're not a Muslim it wont affect you. I think those complaining are just you know what!

  3. If it's just Muslim to Muslim and both parties are happy, then I see no reason why not.

    Obviously not in any criminal trials like rape/murder ~ that would not do here, but just divorce matters etc, pretty minor affairs let them if that's what they want.

    The judge is only saying that, and I don't think its such a bad idea as long as the Muslims do not inflict sharia on us and expect all of the UK to adhere with its laws, I'm OK with it.

  4. It's only for Muslim people, it's not going to replace UK law so no reactionary sabre rattling please. Who am I kidding this is N&E  - let the rattling commence ....

  5. I notice it is MEN in both instances who approve sharia law, which benefits men and has no benefits for the women. I find it barbaric and am surprised this is even a controversy when it should not even be on the table for discussion. What would happen if we were to travel to Muslim countries and propose Christian would that go over? Then why do we allow this to happen in non Muslim countries? Would we be able to build churches the way Muslims build mosques in non Muslim countries? I think not.

  6. The problem is the true native 'Brits' would emigrate leaving what's left of Britain to the other 'brits', the one's that we grant citizenship to in the hope that we all 'get on' as one happy family. This cannot be further from the truth, we are all just co-existing and there's hostility in the air. There's more to this than the weather, public services and economic turmoil.

    Much as I hate this country now and all it stands for I don't want to be left with the pitiful benefit scrounging residue and left squirming on the pavement with a cowards blade in my belly because I foolishly wanted to go out one night.

  7. He actually said -  "Lord Phillips signalled approval of sharia principles as a means of settling disputes so long as no punishments that conflict with the established law are involved, and as long as divorces are made to comply with the civil law."

    Essentially he's sayng sharia courts could be used for voluntary mediation of disputes.  He's not suggesting it should replace or run parallel to UK law in criminal cases.  Seems pretty reasonable to me.

  8. I think he is very wrong.

    If muslims want their own laws for their marriage problems etc they should go and live in a muslim country.

    There have been immigrants into this country for years but no group has made more demands that change the fabric of this country as much as the followers of islam.

    I think it is time they were MADE to integrate rather than giving them yet more ways to make them different and special.

    Either they want to be here and will follow the laws of the country or they are free to go elsewhere.

  9. Basically we, the English have lost. and can do sweet F.A. about it.

    People are being stabbed left, right & centre by predominantly 'people of ethnicity' and it seems to me that as long as you don't believe in traditonal English values you can't lose.

    The world has gone mad.

  10. dont want it. will never happen, sharia is evil, adhered to by evil people.

  11. This is the uk, not islamabad, mecca or sharm el sheik,etc. If  that judge who ever the h**l he is condones it in any way, then he should be snet to one of those fanatical places where they practice it and join them in their kunacy.!

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