
What do u think of this name???

by  |  earlier

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is mine and my bfs name put together and this is what we want to name out first kid,

what do u guys think?




  1. It's all up to you. But, I think it's cool name and if you have a girl call her Jen for short.

  2. It sounds extremely "tryndee" and made up. Can you imagine your kid growing up and being a judge or dr? Judge Jenris -lastname- Doctor Jenris -lastname- yea.. no.

  3. Mixing names for your child is...well...weird. Also, it doesn't sound very good either. If you want, have 2 kids and name the first one after yourself and the second after him, or something like that.

  4. I don't care for it.

  5. unique!

  6. I think it is actually REALLY cute! could be for a girl or a boy. It kinda sounds like "generous". That is cool. I love it, definantly name the kid that when it comes around.

  7. Not the best. Sorry

  8. I think its a strange name. If you use one name for the babies first name and the other for the middle name, that would be nice. Or Jenris could be the middle name od your baby...good luck!

  9. its creative, but i dont like it very much

  10. No I don't like it..sorry !

  11. i'm sorry, but i don't like it

  12. I don't know. It is different. I guess if you have a girl, you could call her Jen for short.

  13. gag

  14. Oh god please dont.

  15. i dont really like it.sorry x

  16. oh no, tht sounds horrible im not even sure how the heck tht is suppose to be pronuoced or what ever, its a cute idea to combined your names for your baby but just give it its own name , its enought tht your kid will be sharing you and your bfs features and personalty.

  17. Dont put the cart before the horse honey.  Get married first then think of baby names.  Although Jenris sounds wierd and  the child will be beat up for the rest of his life for it.

  18. Honestly?  I don't like it.  It sounds really made up.  It actually sounds more like a planet than a child.


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