
What do u think?????????????????

by Guest58839  |  earlier

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if there was a guy at your school who wore glasses and had sorta long hair but had good features would u think he was cute even if all ur friends said he was butt ugly




  1. sure, no 1 tells me what 2 feel !

  2. it depends on what hair style and what kind of glasses. Like Mark Brunetz, he has had sorta long hair and wears glasses, but its s**y.

  3. ZOMG wears glasses and has kinda long hair, OH NOES call out the ugly police!  Grow up

  4. Your friends should not decide who you are attracted to.That's all you!

  5. If I think he's cute then I could care less what anyone else says.  

  6. Does it really matter what your friends think?  You're allowed to find someone attractive even though the person next to you doesn't.

  7. i think that beauty is in the "eye of the beholder"

    meaning that in your eyes he's cute and it doesnt  

    really matter what they think because its not them

    who is interested. its you.

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