
What do u think these Symptoms or?

by  |  earlier

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Everyday i get a head ache than i will like eat something then the head ache be gone, also my breast be hurting me and my eye sight be all ****** up wat do u think it is? I just wanna no if any body know before i go see the doctor.




  1. Sounds like your blood sugar is low when you wake up. Get the doctor to run a fasting glucose on you

  2. The headaches, eating something and it goes away, and the b*****s hurting are all signs of PMS...but the eyesight bit is the oddball out of the bunch. Unless you feel dizzy when this happens then it's definitely PMS.

    You can rule out being sick, since that doesn't affect your eyesight.

  3. death...sorry.

  4. you might be getting your period of have the flu...DOCTOR DEFF DEFF

  5. there are a whole bunch of questions to be answered first to figure this one out...  from what you describe, the first question I would ask and test for... is whether or not you are pregnant.  could just be your period as someone said.  Definitely sounds likes hormones or something systemic....

    if it were the flu or an infection, you would have muscle aches, sore throat, congestion, etc.  It is less likely that....

    Your best bet is go to the doc and ask...

    Good Luck

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