
What do u want to do girls if u ..................?

by Guest64333  |  earlier

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have given the possibility to live(be) like a boy for 7 days.I don't mean to be boyish.I mean to be a real boy.

i mean what do u see boys can do and it is forbidden for girls to do so.

This is my answer,but plz don't read it until u answer 1st :

1-I want to put strong perfume and every one can smell it .

(of course u know that it is حراااااام for girls)

2-I don't want to wear 'esdal' while i am praying.

3-I want to cut my hair 'a la garcon'.

4-i will not say that i want to be out till 3 or 4 a.m bec i see that it is dangerous for both girls and boys.

But i'm still want to be as i am. i'm proud to be a girl.




  1. mm...if i was a boy for seven days i may definitely try to sleep because i didnt sleep for long time

  2. I would def see what it was like to pee standing up.

  3. Really,,I would kick any other boy's a** if I saw him hurting any girl even if it was just by words!

    I also would be a nice guy..

    And eventually,I'll be free to do what I want(without harming anyone..).

  4. @meshmesha

    your choices ALL of them i would actually choose for my self you describe how i would wanna be as .. btw.

    i would wanna be able to swim an not worry about what suite i wear but it would be shorts,since im a guy annnd.. i wanna be able to go out alll the time an not have to worry about how i cant cause im a girl:(

    but meshmesha said exactly what i would its like she can read my mind lol


    @meshmesha,i have 2 brothers tooo!!!

    lol i think thats why every thing you said i agreed!!

  5. 1. I want to play a football match with my buddies.

    2. I want to swim in any beach i want without the need to go to the private beach for mo7agabat to wear a swim-suite.

    3. I want to wear jeans and short sleeves t-shirt in this hot weather, shorts too.

    4. I want to talk with other guys about girls to know how they think about them and what they say ;)

    5. I want to travel abroad freely without having my parents worry about me cause am gonna be alone in a foreign country.

    I'm glad i'm a girl, too. I like being a girl :)


    @ iman: ayyy 7'edma ya moony ;) ana ma7shora between two brothers, i like the things that they do. so i know *winks*

  6. also females have EXCLUSIVE things,and that's great.

    i don't want to be a man,even for one day,no offence.

    but i like the way Allah vcreated me.

    and about the perfume isue,i think also men shallnot wear STRONG perfumes,because it still ATTRACT women attention.

    not only men have sensation and feel attracted to the other s*x,that perfumes has to be forbidden from only females.and i've asked a sheikh in this,but i don't know why it's not well known that men can't wear strong attractive perfumes as well.

    no wonder,we're in our male dominant attitude society.

    females are allowed to wear quiet perfumes that just remove body odour.

  7. it is human nature to always want something we do not have. The one with brown eyes wants blue eyes, the one who is short wants to be to be tall, etc.   For me personally I would not want to be a man because men lose out on so much from a personal and emotional point of view.  They are distracted always by things and do not stop to enjoy all that life has to offer.  As for the things you mentioned, well none of them is a hardship so I do not see doing the opposite as anything liberating.

  8. be myself when i am in front of the opposite gender

  9. Being a girl doesn't forbid me from doing anything (asl ana garee2a w msh btkesef) so if i were a boy, i wouldn't change a lot. I already enjoy maximum freedom

  10. i have always been treated better as a girl.

    i dont want to be a boy.

    about your answers , girls wear perfume , not strong , but chique .

    i dont mind the veil when i pray.

    i can cut my hair the way i like , no one would criticise me .

    i dont like being out after 11 or 12 at most and  with company .

    in Egypt , we are given the freedom of choice .

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