
What do u want to do in life?

by  |  earlier

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What is the best thing to do? Life is too short to be board and be lazy, what thing you would love to do in life? Imagine, if your life is only 5days left.




  1. I think it is ok to be lazy some times..for some people it is a way for them to relax and give themselves a break from the rigor of their usual lives. For me, i would like to be able to do what i hope for and be in a situation where i can help myself reach them.

  2. well im not sure about the five day thing but i have my life planned quite well already.

    Next year i will aplly at Universities to do a course in Drama or Performing Arts. I will then move onto do a post Graduate in Directing. I will then have a course my brother did which qualifies me to teach as both a specialism in Drama and as a general teacher at primary schools. I then plan to teach in africa for 2 years working with a well known society i happen to have family members involved in. I will then move to America and try to get a job in professional theatre, failing that i will get a job at a highest level of schooling possible hopefuly at least college, teaching just Drama. When i hit 30 i hope to have saved enough money up to move to one of the baleric islands and buy a club. I currently own DJ-ing equipment and have DJ at some smaller venues. I want to run this club for around 10 years or so and build up it's repuatation before selling it on. Now at 40 i will get a job in Theatre back in England wherever avaliable and start to concetrate more on my writing and improve my drumming which i plan to do whenever i can prior to this but take it more seriously now. I will try to get into a band and play at as high level possible and try and get my writing published. When i'm 55 i will move to Australia and settle into teaching for the next 10/15 years or so. I then plan to retire from full time work i spend my spare time a a theatre director at a small local theatre by a coast in either England or America. If i survive to be 80 i want to visit Japan and possibly live there with my family and spend my spare time writing and seeing out my days a happy old man knowing i had one h**l of a life

  3. If I had 5 remaining days--I would make a will--then do as I am doing now.  My mission in life is helping others.

  4. That's the Million Dollar Question for me...I am over 40 and I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up.  I think more than anything I'd want to write my autobiography.  I have lived an interesting, romantic, struggling sort of life and I want to share it.  I've already outlined what I'd write and I've worked on it off and on, but if I only had five days, I'd want to finish it (and leave it to my kids to publish so they could live off the money when it became a best-seller!)

  5. Fight one last fight. Back B4 I got married I used to find some cause to fight for then I'd go in for the kill. I'd go see my sister and meet her for the first time. We were raised separately and never knew about each other until a few years ago.

    I am the RabidWolf it's also what I am and that is what defines me. I must go out with a snarl and not a whimper.

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