
What do u want to know about italy?

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What do u want to know about italy?




  1. 1. I would like to know why the national governments are always so unstable

    2. I would like to know why many bars in Milan don't give you a receipt when you buy a coffee.

    3. I'd like to know why so many Italians don't fully declare their taxes.

    4. Why are so many large Italian cities so dirty. Why isn't there an all out war against graffiti? The Milanese Metro (subway) entrance at the Stazione Centrale is so filthy - why doesn't some one clean up that pig pen. Why are the 3 card cheaters always there (and rarely ever get caught).

    5. Why are Italians so loud when they talk on their cell phones?

    6. Why aren't there ever toilet seats in many public places... and no friggen toilet paper!!!

    7. I'd like to know why the VAT is so high (20%)? Can't it be lowered to, let's say, 18%?

    8. Why does an espresso now cost 1 (ONE) bloody Euro in many places now?! That's Lire 1936.27!!! Twice as much as when you used the Lira.

    9. Why so many Italian busines people always say that tghings are going well and they drive big a$$ cars, their kids all have 300 Euro cell phones, they vacation in the most exotic of places and their wrists are Rolexed?

    10. Finally - When will Italians realize that it is immigration is necessary for Itay's future?

  2. It's more about Italian men. Would they date outside they race or culture?

  3. Hi,i'm italian and I think that anyone likes to know our food's secrets but no for us,the real beauty of this country ( today ) are not only monuments,churchs,cities... now you colud find the joy in   every friday night. It's a new world... many salutes

  4. whats a short summery of the history?

  5. Who is there best football team?

  6. i know everything about Italy since it is my favourite country..I would like just to know more about its dialects

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