
What do u want to remembered as after ur death???

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What do u want to remembered as after ur death???




  1. I don't want to be glorified in death.

    I want to be remembered for the way i shaped the world, and i wouldn't want any emotional pain to come to my family and friends.

    I don't want my funeral to feel like an end; it should feel like a celebration of my life.

    And I want someone, even just one person, to think that i lived to my full potential :)

  2. i dont want to be remembered...

  3. Its our work that matters.

  4. I don't care what i'm remembered for, or if I am at all. life is the only thing that matters!

  5. A good Human,

  6. Thank God, He is dead

  7. I remember that "I should not answer this question"

  8. As a person!  

  9. I want to be remembered for being a free spirit. I have never allowed people to change me or way that I think. Because of this, my good friends are really good friends,because they accept me.  

  10. may her humilated soul be immortal between us

  11. someone who was able to touch the lives of others.

    and for them to be assured that i'm looking up at them after i die. (kidding!)

  12. all yahoo best answers to give to god.

  13. i don't expect to be remembered by anyone past my grandchildren...but I hope that before that I'm remembered as someone that cared about everyone I loved.

  14. I'm dead..... so have your pick,  Good, bad, indifferent. Human?


  15. A successful entrepreneur, an author of notable wit, perhaps an actress or a well-known philosopher... maybe a musician whose music was never popular but influenced many... I do not really know.

  16. a gr8 fan of the MCRmy and i want my memories to carry on.

  17. I just want to be remembered as someone who was nice and loving, and a good mother.

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