
What do u wear under your volleyball shorts?? Do you wear panties? Dont they show? A thong?

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What do u wear under your volleyball shorts?? Do you wear panties? Dont they show? A thong?




  1. Guest59340

     Just don't wear anything under them. Guys love seeing those booties of girls. I ama guy and love looking at those big butts. 

  2. I personally wear spandex. And then under the spandex (depending on how short it is) either a thong or nothing. Yes it will show but that is better that ur butt right?

  3. i agree with Duma! either wear nothing or a thong! i think it would be embaressing to have your undies line showing! lol

  4. I'm guessing you're wearing spandex...not shorts.

    Either a thong or don't want lines showing.

    If it's can wear your normal undies

  5. I don't wear anything under my spandex!  It seems really weird at first, but you get used to it and it's way better than wearing underwear or a thong underneath.  Most of the girls on my team don't wear underwear underneath their spandex either.  If you just really don't feel comfortable doing that, just wear regular underwear but ones that have thin/small seams.  Thongs are way too uncomfortable.

  6. Wouldnt be caught dead in volley ball shorts :-)

  7. WEAR REGULAR UNDERWEAR!!! don't worry about your underwear lines showing through your spandex. I don't recomend wearing a thong because then the spandex will ride up ur crack and trust me...NOBODY wants to see that. f our underwear lines show don't worry. it's volleyball...a sport. no one will care. and you shouldn't either. you want to be comfortable and you won't be if you aren't wearing the right thing. just get your head in the game and don't worry about your lines if they show. chances are that no1 can see them that well're constantly moving (and if you're worried about spectators seeing them trust me...they can't).

  8. Pubic hair

  9. you just wear whatevere you feel confortable with, if you feel more relaxed wearing a thong then do wear it, and if you feel more phisically confortable with regular panties then wear those

  10. it depends on the type of shorts you are wearing.

    for the 2" seems, you should probably wear a thong.

    panties would probably be okay though too, as long as there not

    granny panties.

    but the 4" seems, you can wear a thong if its comfortable, but usually cause the shorts are spandex, they'll creep up on you, and its extremey uncomfotable with a thong on. but id recomend wearing panties.

  11. well obviously the two privious guys were no help, soo...

    i depends on the type of shorts you are wearing.

    for the 2" seems, you should probably wear a thong.

    panties would probably be okay though too, as long as there not

    granny panties.

    but the 4" seems, you can wear a thong if its comfortable, but usually cause the shorts are spandex, they'll creep up on you, and its extremey uncomfotable with a thong on. but id recomend wearing panties.

    best of luck! (:

    and do whatever is most comfortable for you.

  12. a few girls on my team wear underware under their spandex and it definately shows. you should try a thong unless you are uncomfortable with them.

  13. Its really simple when deciding what to wear under volleyball shorts.

    1.  if they are spandex u should where a thong cause underware lines would show through and buch the spandex up, making u look bad.

    2 if they are regular shorts, normal underware are fine and the lines don't show and they don't bunch ur shorts up.  

    i hope i helped make ur decision easyer.  good luck with volleyball

  14. They make these really cool underwear that are like seeless which means those lines don't show! Or you can also go to like ***** and buy underarmer underwear! Thats what I wear under my spandex!

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