
What do ur teeth look like? Answer! :]

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are ur teeth straight or crooked? white or yellow? lol big or small?

tell me about ur teeth, and what they look like!!

my teeth are white and kind of big but they are evenly spaced! :]

aquarius w/ leo rising

tell me about u




  1. My teeth are straight and on the small side though,and pretty even,and they are kinda white.

  2. Straight, really white, and big. I get compliments as well..  

  3. my teeth are straight (i never had braces)

    They are almost white, when i was younger i hated brushing

    and evenly spaced


  4. They're straight & kind of white :D

    I'm not sure about size, but they're not too small nor too big.

    I'm a Pisces. Uhmm, what's it mean if you're an Aquarius with Leo Rising?

    I don't know if I'm a something rising. How can I tell..?

  5. Straight, white, medium size?? evenly spaced

    I can't believe I just described my

    I have a dentist aunt who takes care of my teeth. She told me my teeth are on the weaker side, and I completely agree. If it weren't for her I might have crooked, yellowish, big, widely spaced teeth by now..

    Libra,  Pisces rising

  6. perfect

  7. not that white [like the ones you see on television] but not yellow at all. all my teeth are straight and kind of big-ish lol. i have a really big smile [and really big teeth to go with it]


    taurus asc.

    virgo moon

  8. Straight (I didn't spend thousands on braces for nothing, haha), I try to keep them as white as possible, about medium sized, but each tooth varies.

    Libra w/Libra Rising

  9. I have nice teeth.  My whole family does;-)

    My teeth are very white (unusually white I'd say) which is great since I smile a lot (lol) and I'd describe them as medium big.  I wish they were larger though- like my Dad's, sister's and brother's.  They have the best teeth ever but mine suit me just fine i guess;-)

    Dentist loves them-- no cavities- YEAH!


    Sun: Sadge

    Moon: Leo

    Ascendant: Gemini

  10. My teeth are perfectly straight!!!!  Naturally born that way.  Every time i go for my cleanings, my dentists always tells me how jealous he is of my teeth.  Ive never had to have any dental work done other than my wisdom teeth taken out.  They are white as pearls...& I havent even used a whitener b4, other than toothpastes with whitening.

  11. Straight, and as white as they can be with my coffee addiction.  Medium in size, as I have a smaller mouth.

  12. straight and relli white n dey medium i get compliments on um alot

  13. i have dentures

    i am a leo...dont know if i'm rising or falling

  14. Straight and white. Not really big, but not really small.

    Gemini Sun/Libra Moon/Cancer Rising

  15. White, straight and big. Round on the bottoms of them. People love my teeth.

    Virgo, libra rising.

  16. My teeth are straight and bright.

    But my two front ones are a little big... Kind of like a beaver or gopher.

  17. i have decaying teeth, well a decaying tooth, the rest have fell out

  18. Never wore braces

    Straight top and bottom,

    Really white, although closer to the gumline is slightly yellower so it does look naturally white.


    Medium sized

    Not worn down on the edges

    Bottom anteriors are tipped lingually but that's because Im picky.

    No spaces.

    Get lots of compliments


    Aquarius sun, libra rising.

  19. really straight... on the smaller side

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