
What do use for a hamsters cage floor?

by Guest58021  |  earlier

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I heard that you use wood shaving but i don't know fer sure




  1. I'm also adding to Carefresh.  It's the safest thing out there right now.  It keeps things soo much cleaner than any other bedding, and it's the best for their breathing.  Pine eventually leads to breathing problems when they're older.

  2. I agree with the carefresh. It's a very reliable bedding and isn't as messy as wood shavings should any accidental spills occur (and in general).

    Rodents do like chewing on wooden things, especially gerbils who chew on their woodchip bedding, if provided. But you should use bedding for their piddles and poops. You can get them toys for gnawing.

    In my experience with rodent care, carefresh has given me no problems. I've used woodshavings, which are fine, but for you and your little ones I strongly suggest the fluff over the wood :)

  3. they sell hamster bedding at petland or any other pet store

  4. carefresh ultra!

    its lightweight and fluffy. its very absorbent and soft, your hamster will love it.

    it's not dusty like most pet bedding.

    i recommend it if you have a hamster but if you use wood shavings avoid cedar shavings, aspen or other hardwood shavings or even pine shavings, it may emit irritating aromatic oils and cause your hamster to itch alot.

  5. I use wood shavings.

    my hamsters like them best.

  6. Carefresh or Aspen Never use pine or cedar.

  7. Don't use pine or cedar shavings. They may contain phenols that can give your hamster respiratory problems. They were also found to cause liver problems in rats and mice.

    The recycled paper pulp is the best for odor control. Buy that.

  8. you can use wood shavings but dont use pine ones.

  9. USE SAWDUST its really good i have 3 hamsters and they all are 10 which is amazing so thats what i use


  10. Well there are lots of things you can use. A layer of litter is generally used. The healthiest litter is made from recycled paper and wood with out ammonia(like aspen). Also there is "commercial" bedding like carefresh and Megazorb. Dangerous bedding includes cat litter(they cant gnaw it or eat it because it can be deadly). Ceder, pine, and other soft based litters can contain phenols that can hurt their resportory system, liver, and skin.


  12. use hay or wood shavings.

  13. Use Permier Pet pine shavings it's super light weight, dust free, smells nice, absorbs odors and wetness. I have four hamsters that live together, so you can imagine the mess. But with this bedding I can assure you'll love it!

    Dont use wood shavings! It doesnt absorb good at all, and its uncomfortable for the hammies. Imagine sleeping on hard wood shavings. Yuck!

  14. If you are talking of a hamster cage floor made of wires, then you have to first put a thick base on the wire floor before adding bedding. The reason being the hamster will hurt his paws walking on the wire floor. Use a thick sheaf of newspaper or an uncolored cardboard piece for the base and then spread the bedding on top.

    If your hamster cage floor is solid plastic or glass, then you can directly spread the bedding on top. You can use the following -

    Carefresh - the best bedding for hamsters

    Aspen shavings - you can also use this mixed with Carefresh

    Besides commercial bedding, toilet paper is a good and cheap alternative for hamster bedding. Always use only unbleached, untreated and non fragrant toilet paper. Rip it up and mix it with some aspen shavings for the bedding. Do not throw the empty toilet roll tubes. Give them to your hammies who like them as toys for gnawing and tunneling.

    Always make sure the bedding is atleast 2 inches thick to allow the hamster enough depth for its burrowing activites.

    Do not use pine or cedar shavings for hamster bedding since they contain dust that would cause respiratory problems in hamsters and also they have chemicals in them that can react with the hamster urine and form phenols which are toxic to hamsters.

  15. There is Carefresh bedding it's better than shavings.

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