
What do vegetarians eat.?

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do vegetarians eat fish ,and what do vegans eat.My friend said vegetarians are not supposed to eat fish.




  1. yes true vegetarians DON'T eat fish, they eat absolutely no animals, including seafood.  but there is a lot of people that call themself vegetarians and still eat fish because they don't consider it a big deal, but they should really be called 'pescetarians'.   and vegans don't eat ANY meat either, but they also don't eat anything that comes from an animal, such as dairy products and egss, and some serious vegans don't eat honey either

  2. Whatever they like. It's a matter of choice and depends on the individual. Vegetarians eat all foods except meat. Some eat fish. Vegans eat all foods except meat and dairy products.

  3. Stricty speaking, Vegetarians eat NO animal meat at all, not even fish, because Mammals, Fish, and Birds all belong to the Animal Kingdom as do Moluscs and crustaceans (seafood)

    Vegans eat no animal meat as well, but, in addition, the refuse to consume ANY animal product. That includes eggs, ALL dairy produce, and some will even avoid confectionary made with Gelatine (calfs hooves) and wine / beer that has been cleared with Isinglass Finings (made with sturgeon gut)

    In most cases, vegatarians are selective in what the eat and why they eat it, some it is for moral / ethical reasons, and some it is because they just don't like meat. Some don't eat meat because they feel that it would be hypocricy to eat an animal they would be unable to kill. How many carnivours amongst us could slaughter a lamb for some nice juice loin chops ? not many I'm sure, so at least some vegetarians stand for their principles !

  4. Some vegetarians do eat fish.  Vegans don't eat any fish, meat, etc.

  5. Vegetarians don't eat anything with a face, this includes not eating fish! Fish is a living animal type thing.

    Vegans don't eat anything that is an animal bi-product, this includes milk and cheese.

    True veggies don't wear leather either. I am ashamed to say that I own leather shoes.. but its hard to get veggie shoes!

  6. umm im a vegan and i eat cereal pancakes french toast granola pasta soup rice potatoes salads corn couscous hummus pitas beans falafels TONS OF FRUITTTTTTTT

    theres plenty to eat on a vegan diet

  7. b12 u need b12 otherwise your kidneys will be p**s ppoor! be-warned

  8. vegetarians do eat fish, eggs and cheese. it's not a case of  "not supposed to" but what you want to eat personally. vegans do not eat any animal products of any kind.

  9. Meat is the flesh of an animal, and a fish is an animal, therefore you can't eat fish and claim to be a vegetarian.

    Ovalacto-vegetarians will eat eggs and dairy produce eg milk, cheese, yoghurt etc.

    Vegans eat nothing from an animal at all, so will not consume milk, butter, eggs, gelatine etc.

  10. vegetarians don,t eat fish! vegans don,t eat cheese ,eggs or milk as well obviously as not eating dead animals

  11. i luv me sum chickenless chicken nuggets. the brand i like is "korn"

  12. They eat smaller vegetarians.

    Oi! Medea! Vegan shoes and bootsies here!

  13. Vegetarian no meat fish etc

    Vegan, no meat fish or dairy products

  14. people  

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