
What do we do about an estimated 12 million illegal immigrants in the US?

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Tough issue as there is no real solution as of yet. What would happen if ALL states followed Arizona and punished employers of illegal immigrants? Would this drive illegal workers out of the US? The only other solution is implementing a plan to naturalize all the illegal immigrants over the course of..however long it would be... Although I guess the main problem that needs to be fixed immediately is the Mexican-US border crisis. Thoughts comments?




  1. Hire 'em as gardeners and auto detailers.

  2. I like Arizona's stance on this but it is sad that our federal government doesn't have the guts to enforce our laws.  Obviously we are going to let it be handled at the local and state levels.

  3. Make the U.S. a s**+**y place to live and they'll stop coming here.


    I like how the same Republicans who are SO ready to change the laws when it comes relaxing regulations and taxes on businesses, but when it comes to immigration status of workers, well, the LAW is the LAW and we must enforce it stringently! Racism in the form of, "I love my coutry and the opportunities it provides so much that I don't want to share it with anyone else." Bah.

  4. When it is cost-ineffective to hire illegal aliens, then employers will not hire them. Basic economics.

    Amnesty for illegal aliens does not work. The amnesty of 1986 was an abject failure and only served to encourage more illegal entries.

    There is no single and simple solution. However, a reduction by attrition can be obtained. Cut off all access to public services, rental of property and jobs. Increase the crime of illegal presence to a felony. Enforce the laws against aiding and abetting. Cut off all financial aid to sanctuary cities. Increase ICE raids. Use forfeiture laws and seize any assets of illegal aliens to pay for their deportations. During INS raids in the 1950's, it is estimated for every caught illegal, 10 left on their own.

    Securing the border is essential, not just to keep out illegals but to enhance national security.

    Ending birthright citizenship, which could be done by Congress, and requiring citizenship or permanent resident status of parents would remove a huge incentive to illegal aliens. Most European and Asian nations have wisely taken this step.

    For the benefit of citizens, guest worker programs should stop while employers are required to hire Americans at a decent wage. After a reasonable period of time, then need for guest workers could be determined.

  5. Deport them and do all the dirty jobs ourselves.

  6. leave them alone..... Henry Cejuda brought us olympic gold and he is the son of illegals

  7. Agreed that employers shouldn't be allowed to hire illegals.  Problem is, false green cards will be the new black market we will be back in the same boat with illegals working...just with fake paperwork.

    Perhaps we should be working with the countries of these workers so that they work in their own lands.

  8. Go get a job as a janitor, that way you'll be helping your own cause.

  9. Plan all you want, but when there is no political will to solve the problem, nothing will be done. People who want economic advantage over others will hang on for a long time before they tire of their ways and realize allowing illegals is a no-win policy. Maybe forever unless forced through war or law. Republicans want illegal aliens to drive down the price of labor in this country. They have been in power for decades, and have done nothing to hold businesses responsible for employing illegals.

    The wall is an expensive joke courtesy of people who solve their problems with force. Treat Mexico justly so that they develop a worthwhile economy and their people won't want to become illegal aliens.

  10. Get rid of the jobs, you will get rid of the illegals.

    Sanctuary cities should be stripped of all Federal money and investigated for criminal charges, like aiding and abetting.

    Companies should be fined $100,000 for every illegal caught working for them.  The money should be used to fund ICE raids.

    You do not need to spend a dime on deportation.  They will leave on  their own.

  11. I would really, really see you gringoes without all that work power, I'm pretty sure you'd have to go back to slavery so you could do all those jobs you say they steal from you and you don't want to do, I wish they could all leave you and your overrated country alone, you wankers.

  12. We get rid  of the freebies that they get by coming here illegal and then they will self deport. Also crack down on employers and any others who are helping them by breaking the law and send them off to prison.We also  need more states to crack down like Arizona has and make their living here as tough and hard as possible for them.

    To see just how much the illegals are costing the USA. Click on the link below. Notice that the numbers are always rising, not falling down.

  13. The ones that are working, make them apply for citizenship. The deadbeat welfare ones, send them to prison to make car license plates.

  14. Well.. you might have just seen two mexicans at the welfare office. Just remember.. they come in droves just like cockroaches.

  15. if the visa applications were easier to obtain then there wouldnt be any illegals coming here. & its not just hispanics on welfare cuz i was at the welfare office yesterday & it was mostly blacks & whites. i only saw 2 mexicans

  16. WE won't do anything Congress might. Hopefully they do this is getting ridiculous.

  17. I would bet my bottom dollar there is a LOT more than the ESTIMATED 12 million illegals in this country.  The prroblem is NO ONE really knows how many illegals are here in our Country.

    I strongly believe in building the double layer fence, as this has shown to work in dwindling the numbers for those coming into this Country illegally.

    Furthermore, I strongly believe ALL our immigration laws on the books need to be strongly enforced.  IF that means going after employers who hire these illegals, so be it.  I also believe in the system they have set up to check to see if the applicant for employment is a citizen of this country.  We use it here in Michigan and it does do wonders.  IF there is a problem, the applicant has so many days to correct the records..........i do NOT see any problem with this system as it has proven to be like 97% or around there accurate.

    I am NOT in agreement of "naturalizing" these illegals, NO WAY.  There are many foreigners all over the globe who abide our laws and are in the process of entering this country legally.  They are the ones who would be hurt by such a naturalization process, putting them further back for their entry process.  WE WANT IMMIGRANTS WHO ACTUALLY ABIDE BY OUR LAWS AND COME IN THE LEGAL WAY.  These people are more prone to assimulating into our culture.  I do NOT believe the illegals even want to assimulate into our culture............forcing schools/government/etc to have bilingual papers, bilingual helpers, etc.  

    I also would like to see our language, THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE, recognized into law as being our language.  Immigrants should learn our language when immigrating into our country.  That is part of the assimulation process.  

    I could go on and on about the above subject, but this is getting way too long as it is now.

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