
What do we do about fleas?

by  |  earlier

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ok... um we found a stray kitten and brought it inside the house for one night .. in the morning we saw one flea on the kitten .. we went out and bought flea killing stuff and put it on the kitten .. this all happened at my father's house .. my brother said he found like two fleas in his bed last night (gross) .. the cat is in a separate place away from the house now but we are still taking care of her.. my question is can i get fleas?? and could i have brought it into my mothers house? i slept at my mothers last night and haven't woken up to any bug bites but i keep scratching everywhere but i'm thinking that might be because i'm being paranoid .. and what do we do about the fleas at my fathers house?




  1. Both humans and pets can carry fleas into the house, where they will nest in your carpet and upholstery while biting everyone who enters. The best way to rid your home of these pests is with a flea bomb.  

  2. been there done that, in no time at all had an infestation. and yes they were everywhere, used a product called VET - KEM acclaim 2000 in aerosol form,sprayed everything, carpets, curtains, mattress the lot, worked a treat. follow manufacturers recommendations, seem to recall i got it through the vet while your there get a flea collar

  3. You can bomb the house. I dont know the name of the product but you could go to walmart or any kind of store and ask for bombing spray for insects. I know the brand name its "Raid". But  all you do is cover up the food in the house and dishes and but the bug bombs in different areas of the house and make them go off. You'll have to leave your house for a few hours (including the pets) but it kills everything. Spiders,fleas,ticks,ants,etc.. It works very well tho

  4. first, front-line the cat.  and if that is too expensive give the kitten a little bit of garlic every day with its food.  Fleas don't like garlic so they will stay away from the cat.  Second, the reason you haven't gotten bit is probably because your blood doesn't smell sweet. Now you can walk outside and get a flea on you.  They live in the grass, in the dirt.  Everywhere.  It is just easier for them to hide on animals.  As for your parents houses, flea bombs or they have a carpet powder that works as well if you can't keep everyone out of the house for 4 hours.its a vacuum up powder.  try that.  you can also flea dip the kitten. if it is old enough.  and since it was a stray you need to get its shots too. and get it fixed so you don't end up like my mom!  2 of her kittens had kittens and now we have 8 little s***s running around my backyard!  can't wait for them to be old enough to leave!

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