
What do we do after a garter snake bites someone?

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The bite of a garter snake isn't poisonous; it just gives a swelling or a rash.




  1. Wash off the bite site & then go get a pizza.

  2. It's a puncture wound, so definitely don't use hydrogen peroxide or alcohol. I'd simply recommend a quick call to your doctor, he/she'll know what to do!

  3. i get biten by them all the time i am 13 and nothing has ever happened to me

  4. They are't poisonous (as you've said), so you'll most likely be okay.

    If you're really worried about getting a rash or something, then you can use natural antiseptic - wild garlic is the best, and most common. Just cut the bulb in half and squeeze juice into the bite.

    You'll be fine.

  5. dude clean it out put ice on it to keep the swelling down I'm 11 ive been bitten by poisonous snakes 4 times.

  6. well just treat it till it stops bleeding and some stuff for cleaning it then u should be fine

  7. if ur worried go to the doctor...they can treat it.

  8. Keep walking. I've been bit by garters, lined snakes, earth snakes, rat snakes, racers, milk snakes, and corn snakes. I'm still alive. If you know it's venomous though - don't get bit. If it's non-venomous I catch it no matter what, if it's venomous I use a snake stick.

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