
What do we do to move to Australia?

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Me & My husband are 28 & 30yr old and would like to move to Australia with our children in a few years time when I qualify as a Dental Nurse. My husband is a skilled coach builder. I would appreciate it if anyone can point us in the right direction as to what we do & what we need to do this. Or any advice on if it will even be possible with our occupations as we don't want to leave it to late. We do have friends out there who are currently getting info as well for us. Anything would be appreciated. Thank You





    this seems quite good

  2. Try this link it's pretty comprehensive,and good luck.

  3. Me too!

    Well you have to check for visa, but I think it won't be too hard for you as you are in the Commonwealth...

    I think, you won't be able to have "medicare" (their NHS) for the first two years, but its likely I am incorrect. I think its specific to my "working holiday visa"...

    From what I know for a working visa its a company there which has to apply for you, so I think it means you have to find something before or at least arrange some interviews so it happens fast when there.

    If you check on some australian cities on wikipedia you will see the west coast is in economic expansion and they have many jobs!

    Also you'll see that there are 25% of Perth's population who are English, 6% irish, 6% scottish, and many italians, etc...

    It just means its not that hard for you, and hope it will encourage you!

  4. Check out the following list of required occupations and job descriptions. I think a coach builder will be covered by Vehicle Body Maker 4215-11 and that's excellent news for you, because it is one of the most in demand occupations and is listed on the MODL. Dental nurse isn't on the lists, but only one of you needs to qualify and pass the points test. (note the additional points for workers with experience in MODL occupations)

    For info on the health and character requirements and how to apply, see

    Why wait for a few years if you qualify now?

  5. G'day - the main website you need to research is the Australian Department of Immigration and Citizenship  - see what you qualify for.

    There is an Expo for Australia coming up - "Change your life and move to Australia!

    Find your job at the Opportunities Australia Expo." see details  - They state job offers are made at these expos for the skilled workers and they can also fast track your applications.

    Other sites for EXPO’s are “Australia Needs Skills Recruitment Expos”  -

    For Aussie skilled jobs off the Immigration website

    Or view occupations in demand here

    Working In Australia, For jobs, helpful tips and information on working in Australia  -

    For Australia Skilled Immigration Assessment Form -

    Point Calculator -

    For living costs -

    How to Live Here - Step-by-step guides to procedures and paperwork is a great guide that explains things in simple terms, applying for visas, working or as an international student etc…

    Good Luck!

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