
What do we do with a baby robin we found, will his parents still take him in?

by  |  earlier

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a co-worker found a baby robin on the ground, behind one of our cabins, he is in the fledging stage. but my co-worker did not know this. i have come back to work, and put him back were they found him. i dont know what to do, is he alright, and will its parents reject him?. please help.




  1. The parents will not reject the baby.

    99.9% of birds have a poor sense of smell.  They cannot smell humans, food, or even their own chicks.  They rely on sight and sound to locate their young.

    It's wonderful that you brought it back.  As long as it's in the same area, the parents will find it - and all will be good!

  2. you absolutely did the right thing. the parents will not reject the baby robin.  kudos to you!!

  3. IF you have an


    or an


    then take it to them..

    if NOT, then no, the parents will NOT take it back.

    feed it EVERY 4 hours[feed it canned dog food on a toothpick]

    and make sure it is in a 90 degres F room.

    that should keep it alive.

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