
What do we do with all the waste we are creating ?

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I'm working on a project and it's about the garbage we are creating. Can you help me with some of these questions at least 1?

1-What do we do with all the waste we are creating?

2-What is being done about it ?

3- What needs to be done ?




  1. I've often wondered the same thing....I even emailed my local Waste Management company and they ignored me as usual.  I'm hoping as much material is being recycled as possible.

  2. Landfills cannot handle all of the trash that's being produced. People need to change their own behavior on a personal level -- our grandparents recycled and reused when they were young (and most of them still do, if mine are any indication):

    -- start a compost pile (even people in apartments, with no yards, can compost); this reduces the amount of trash that goes to landfills, and also provides the composter with something for outdoor gardening and indoor plants

    -- take your own cloth bags to the grocery and other shopping; commit yourself to NOT every accepting a plastic bag, even if it's free

    -- reuse the plastic bags you already have, again and again. When they can't be used anymore, dispose of them in such a way that the plastic will be recycled

    -- NO BOTTLED WATER. One in four bottles are never recycled.

    -- Make recycling as easy as it is in Germany; every public place has bins to recycle waste

    -- Dispose of all electronics (cell phones, TVs, computers, etc.) with a company that will recycle the components, even if YOU have to pay for this, and don't buy electronics just because you are "tired" of your current technology

    -- educate children in school, and educate the public through a variety of means, about the problem of the waste we produce

    -- petition fast food companies to do a better job of reducing the waste they produce (they waste so much on packaging), recycling and discouraging their patrons from littering.

  3. 1. On a personal level we should be sorting the waste into categories for recycling and composting and thereby reducing the amount of waste going into landfill

    2. Councils are ensuring that waste taken to municipal landfills and transfer stations is sorted as per 1. above

    3. We need to continue educating people, especially the young, to be responsible in the way the dispose of waste so that the world will be a better place for future generations.

  4. Right there within your own community or just your block where you reside. You can start people on how to get involve with recycling.

  5. 1 - We won't do anything with it. The governments will make the call. And they have the trash disposal ceo's dropping money at them, so in turn, they make the call. It will go where someone profits.

    2 - Very little. Activist groups don't have the money or the resource to compete.

    3 - What needs to be done will never be done before it's all too late. Not to worry, it won't be within our lifetime, but soon after. A complete overhaul of energy production, consumption and waste needs to be rebuilt from the ground up. Problem is, it doesn't benefit anyone in the short term, which is how most prioritize. In the end, I don't view this as a destruction of our world. It will ultimately be the destruction of our species. It will take the world a while to recover, but it will go on. Perhaps a couple billion years from now when intelligent life re-evolves, they will find traces of the mistakes we made.

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