
What do we do with old and unwanted horses? We cant send them to killer plants?

by Guest11024  |  earlier

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What do we do with old and unwanted horses? We cant send them to killer plants?




  1. There are retirement homes for old horses.  Don't have them killed.  Don't worry, the horses can die in a natural way just like human old people can.  Just google for horse retirement homes.

  2. From my point of view, we have no right to "use" an animal and then toss it away like a Kleenex when it's no longer "useful".  

    But if you've already gotten a horse and are now not "wanting" it, you've got four options:

                1) Find an animal rescue association and be prepared to help pay for the cost of treating the animal as a living creature with the same right-to-life as any of God's other creatures; OR

                2) You can re-evaluate your position and honor the commitment that you may when you acquired the animal; OR

               3) You can abandon the horse on the side of the road and pretend that you aren't responsible for what happens later <<which God will certainly remember>>; OR

               4) You can sell the beast to a dog-food company or euthanize it.

            Whatever your decision, God will not forget what you have done.

  3. That is sad - why would it be unwanted? If it's a family pet it should remain your family pet until the day it dies. Typically that is a very sad day. (If you're a horse owner usually that horse becomes a huge part of your heart.)

  4. The key words in your question are "old" and "unwanted."  If that is truly the case and you can't bear to "send them to the killer plants."  I would suggest the best option would be to have them euthanized  (put to sleep) by a veterinarian and buried on your property.  If you have horses, I imagine you have room to bury them.  To allow them to live until they become crippled or die of disease or other "natural" causes is certainly not the way to demonstrate your love for them.  Selling them to someone else or sending them somewhere else to die may get them out of your sight but you will never know if, or how much, they might suffer before they die.

    You have a difficult situation and my sympathy.  :-(

  5. They are reassigned to brief duties in the pet food industry, followed by a visit to a "rendering plant" and then a stint in the woodworking adhesives and ladies cosmetics industries (lipstick division).  After that I have no idea.

  6. Care for them until they die natural deaths. Like we do with elderly people. We need national health care and social security for horses. Let's contact the liberals in government to demand this. It's the least we can do for our horses.

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