
What do we feed our 15 week old baby african grey parrot ???

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AND more importantly what foods should we NOT be feedin her, We know about chocolate n avacardos ... anything else .... Is she allowed milk, cheese etc ???




  1. In the early days, babies have to be fed every two hours during a twenty four hour period. Babies are usually feeding independently at the age of eight weeks.

    For feeding i recommend you watch this vieo on feeing them!

  2. haha my bird eats anything and everything.. he tried to demolish my bbq meatlovers pizza a few nights ago!!..

    he loves stealing food cause he knows he can get away with it.. but i suggest dont spoil her too much ... how about almond seeds.. birds love it.. and stick to fruits and veg.. and a few buiscuts every now and then doesnt hurt.. usually scotch fingers..

  3. Put your bird on a pelleted diet.  This has the most nutrition your bird can have and you will not have to worry about giving it vitamin supplements.  Use plain, not fruited pellets.  With the fruited pellets, many birds will eat their favorite flavor or color and waste the rest.  Milk and cheese should not be fed to your bird.  They are lactose intolerant and dairy products can cause severe diarrhea in many birds.  Some will get it worse than others, but if you feel you want to feed your bird cheese, only give on rare occasions.  Yogurt is okay because it has been cooked, but only small amounts.  Feed your bird fresh fruit and veggies, maybe 3 or 4 times a week.  They do not have to have it every day, and it should be served as a treat, not a meal.  Your bird can also eat table foods as long as they don't have added salt.  Most birds love pastas, chicken wings, pizza, (no cheese).  It can also eat meats, chicken, fish,..however deep fried food should not be given to them.  Don't feed things like chips, cookies, you know, junk food.  And if you give her eggs, which is fine once a week, make sure they are fully cooked.  Birds can be subject to salmonella the same as a human.  Also remember that if it is not healthy for you, it is not healthy for your bird.  Birds can get high cholesterol like us too.  Salt free crackers and pretzels with most of the salt knocked off are ok.  Sugary foods and cereals are not good for them.  Here are some other things not to feed




    Apple seeds

    Peach or nectarine seeds


    Anything with caffeine (coffee,tea)

    No carbonation

    Limit the amount of seeds and nuts you feed your bird, they contain a lot of fat and cholesterol and in some cases can be hard on the digestive system.

    I have studied birds and their diets for many years and have done a lot of research on the pellets. Please read my profile.

  4. Erm, seeds? Anyway shouldn't you have researched this BEFORE you got the parrot? Cruelty, that's what i call it

  5. well if your going to give it household food that is mostly processed you might as well feed it a Boa Constrictor just because we can eat useless c**p doesnt mean they can

  6. Yeah, milk and cheese are ok, also feed her a GOOD QUALITY parrot food (available from petshops), supplimented with plenty of fresh fruit and vegatables. Make sure she gets a good sorce of Vit D as calcium absorption can be a problem for African Greys.

  7. NO DAIRY!


    Google anything your unsure about!

    Peace Out,


  8. A great thing to feed your parrot is hard/runny boiled eggs (spoon feed). They’re great for nutrition and my African Grey loves them. We starting feeding him them from being 12 weeks old. Try not to feed your parrot egg too often though, once every couple of weeks/months should be fine.

    Also, I would not recommend you feeding your parrot dairy products, or citrus fruits and anything containing salt.

    I see an answer claims that dairy products are fine, but I must state that every African Grey I've had became ill after feeding them dairy products. That's why I switched to boiled eggs.

    Also, as an treat, I like to feed mine Pomegranates. They're my parrot's favourite food.

  9. why didn't you find out what to feed it when you bought it. Go back to where you bought it and find out before the poor thing dies of starvation. and if you get a dog they eat dog food !

  10. You should feed your Grey a pellet feed, a small amount of seed is fine, but do not feed seed as her staple diet, it contains very little in way of nutrition and is basically junk food. The pellet food should be available at all times.

    Fresh fruit and veg should be given daily.

    My Grey has a slice of toast, cut up into strips so he can hold it, for his breakfast.

    For lunch he has sliced carrot, pomegranete, grapes, lettuce (not iceberg as it is basically just water and so is of no benefit to him), orange, apple, pear, kiwi, strawberries, bluberries, blackberries, or any other fruit or veg I have,  I alternate which he has so he doesn't get bored with the same things.

    For his evening meal he will eat whatever we eat. Chicken, pizza, cooked veg, scrambled eggs, basically anything as long as it doesn't contain sugar or salt.

    For treats he has monkey nuts, he loves cracking the shells, pistachios, he loves a corn on the cob on his kebob stick, I hang it in his cage and he likes to swing on it will he eats. He also likes half a coconut hung in his cage.

    You shouldn't give her milk, but you can give fresh fruit juice.

    Foods to avoid are chocolate, for the same reasons that it is toxic to dogs, large amounts can kill a dog, but a very small amount can kill a bird.

    Avocado pits are toxic and the fruit can be tainted with the toxin as it leeches in to the fruit.

    Sugar...too much sugar can cause sever problems in the digestive system. Too much sugar can lead to diabetes.

    Rhubarb contains a toxin.

    Dairy products...birds are lactose intolerant and cannot metabolize dairy products. You can feed them, but only in small amounts. My Grey loves cheese, but he only a small amount occasionaly as a treat.

    Caffeine and alcohol can cause serious problems for birds, it can cause hyperactivity, nervousness and irratability.

    Salt can cause high blood pressure.

    Hope this helps.

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