
What do we have to do to get out of this economic slump?

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what are we going to have to do to get out of this, also what jobs will be safe and still earn decent money if a recession strikes?




  1. Get the government the heck out of the way and let the free market work.

    But I see no signs that this will happen.

  2. First, the US gov't has to stop it - by printing less money, and letting US oil companies drill off florida, in alaska, and where the shale with oil in it is.  This is green house economics - it'll be permanent (well, 4 years worth) if Obama gets in!

  3. we all have goodwill and work hard.

    To overcome the problems of imbalance, we all should be wise and work together.

    No more wars and swords!

  4. that's a good question. but me personally i feel that we as a people have to stay up on the spending of the government and use our voting power to elect a candidate who has the American people in mind not politics

  5. Three words: End the war.

  6. A job as a correction officer, most county jobs, Burger King always needs "whopper flopper's also the area you live in helps. If you live in an area of mostly retired wealthy people such as Boca Raton, Fl helps as those people still spend in a recession.

    You cant avoid a recession, it only slows the recession from happening. They when it does it is even worse. You need 6 months of your expenses in a savings acct for the "tough times"

  7. I think we have to let the recession run its course.  We are long overdue for one, and so we aren't used to thinking about there being bad times along with the good.  The american consumer (which makes up 2/3 of all economic activity) has borrowed up to the hilt for homes, cars, and consumer goods.  All of that has to catch up sometime.  The piper must be paid at some point, and I think that point is now.

    Job-wise:  In a recession there are still plenty of things that need to get done.  Tech companies tend to suffer, as do companies that provide new tech or products where replacement can be postponed.  People make due longer with the stuff they have, rather than buying a new one, etc.  But certain things still have to happen, even if they happen slightly less often.  Things like healthcare, basic services, etc.

  8. We need to raise interest rates to get inflation down.  It will be painful but it needs to be done.  Jobs in health care, education and government are recession resistant.

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