
What do we know about Ichiro's private life?

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Why does the press give Ichiro a pass, yet won't leave A-Rod alone?




  1. Ichiro has a flotilla of Japanese reporters covering him, we just can't understand the language...  The US media covering him gets a very narrow, sanitized view of him, with limited personal access.

    The Japanese media is not nearly as invasive as it is in the US.  They practice more respect.

    A-Rod is among the highest paid athletes, and the US based media is all about unearthing anything and everything they can.

  2. The better question is why should we want to know about Ichiro's private life? I'm sick of hearing about A-Rod's divorce and this whole thing about him dating Madonna. I get how gossip mags like this trash, but I'm uninterested. And that's not because I'm a Yankees fan. I didn't really care that much when Paul Lo Duca was dating away from his wife. I wouldn't care if David Ortiz was caught having a threesome. And I wouldn't care if Ichiro was doing some stuff on the side.

    Don't mistake this for me not having standards. I think everyone who is married should obey their wows and their mates. I'm also sure athletes everywhere do some deplorable stuff. But it's none of my business, really.

    I'm sure A-Rod is getting covered so extensively because he's in New York and the media here (I say that because I'm a native) can be ferocious - and trashy. I'm sure if A-Rod were still in Seattle or Texas, he wouldn't have his name in the national news like this.

  3. The Japanese name "Ichiro" is often written 一郎, meaning "first son". Ichiro's name, however, is written with a different character, 一朗, so that his name roughly means "brightest, most cheerful". He has an elder brother, Kazuyasu Suzuki, who is a fashion designer.

    Ichiro married Yumiko Fukushima, a former TV announcer, on December 3, 1999 at a small church in Santa Monica, California. The couple have no children. They have a pet dog (Shiba Inu) named "Ikkyu".

    Ichiro is also well known for always wearing high stocking baseball pants and has worn these type for every game since the 2006 season.

  4. Ichiro reeks of "class" .

  5. He likes Japanese food.

  6. he's from japan,

  7. he uses a translator even though he doesnt really need one

    and he hates on the NL all star team big time before the all-star game. he goes on like a little rant and rips the nl team apart, and apparently it works if you look at the recent success of the al team

    oh yea, hes from japan

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