
What do we learn about Sarah Palin's "Executive Experience"? I want every Repub to see what they are touting.?

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1. Experience that includes a town of less than 20,000 people.

2. Experience that includes being investigated by the Republicans themselves over a scandal where she fired an employee, with scant reason, and he was Palin's sisters X-husband.


3) Experience that in her own words "could someone tell me what the VP even does" - Palin




  1. Exactly...what Republicans (and America) are getting is a bumb rap with this selection.  Come on, people...could you not have done any better.   What about Kay Bailey Hutchinson, huh?  Wasn't there some more experienced, conservative, and seriously committed Republican women to are all being duped.

  2. But I'd rather have a VP on the learning curve than the president.

    And NOT being a DC political insider is a plus in my book.

  3. Pitiful isn't it?  

  4. LOLOLOL really? Its STILL more than Obama has and hes on the TOP of the ticket.  

  5. Trying to convince a republican they are wrong is like trying to tell a priest that his faith is invalid.

    McCain could be announced as the next anti-chirst and repubs would still cling to their support of him.

  6. What?  Does dealing with Tony Rezko make Obama qualified ?

  7. hey, at least her youth wasn't misspent trying to "score a little blow"...

  8. Blogs aren't news, sport.

    Palin is being investigate because opposes police brutality and her actions reflect that.  I'm sorry that liberals suddenly love police brutality, but I still think it's bad.

    Obama's executive experience is president of the Harvard Law Review.  This year, that organization has 91 members.  I know, that's a lot of lives for which to have absolutely no responsibility.  Last I checked, however, 91 is far less than 20,000.

    I would rather Obama admit that he doesn't know what the President does, rather than prove is time and again without qualification.

  9. asked for it.

    How about Obama's experience with:




            Trinity Church


    How about his lack of experience with:

            -Politics (how much experience can you have after serving 143 days in the senate?  His consituents voted him in back in 2005 expecting him to do a job.  Instead, he spent only 143 days doing it. )

           -the executive brance of government

          -his own brother

    Palin did NOT fire her brother in law (who was physically abusive to her sister from whom he was divorced for years before the POLICE COMMISSIONER fired him.

      You want scandals? How about a man who is in cahoots with a sleaze named Ayers who was in the weather underground and bombed the Capitol?  How about a man who buys a house for dirt cheap with the help of a felon named Resko and then gets the guy political favors?  How about a man who has been bosom buddies with a man who uses his religious title to espoused anti-white hatred?  AND don't get me started on his involvement with Trinity Church.

       Palin is more qualified than Obama and she's just running for VICE president.  Get a grip.

  10. Is Obama ready after coming up through the ranks of the corrupt Chicago ploitical machine which includes him meeting Wright, Farrakhan, Rezko and AYers.

  11. She's governor (executive experience) of Alaska, which is the largest state geographically in the Union.  Look at how many governors have made the Presidency in the past, as opposed to how many Senators have.  (I'm not a Repub or a conservative.)

  12. And STILL the dems are comparing their presidential candidate to the republican running mate. The irony is lost on these dolts...

  13. You will throw Palin under the bus for her experience, but not recognize Obama's lack experience as well?  Last time I checked, that is more people than Obama has governed

  14. What difference does it make? Obama has NOTHING to show except 143 days in the senate.

  15. she is a perfect repuke.. she is a big joke

  16. I do not care.

    Palin is the only candidate that supports banning the birth control pill.

    It's worth noting that Gov.Palin is a member of "Feminists for Life", an organization with members that openly support outlawing all "non-abortifacient contraception" (anything that stops implantation of the fertilized egg).

    Most women do not know that all BC pills kill  babies and here is how.

    We may not be able to overturn Roe vs Wade but there is no constitutional right to the birth control pill.

    As VP she could break a tie vote in the Senate, and explain this to the men in the Senate.

    Since McCain's father did not live to 72 she will probably even be President.

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