
What do we need in lebanon right this moment?

by  |  earlier

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Anything that comes to mind .. One thing?!




  1. New neighbours.

  2. A new political system based on true democracy with no religious demarcations...

  3. Peace.

  4. What we need in lebanon right this moment, i believe, is the people who should believe in each other, and work together for a better Lebanon!! and a good summer=)

  5. Yes "b" we need a revolution in everything in politicians in economy in industry in agriculture in trading and services :

    Lebanon can be one of the greatest countries in the world!!! first we need peace SO bye bye "current" politicians then we need to show the world that Lebanon has genius people we have to build new industries we need to change agriculture as Lebanon can be a great exporter of important nutritive products (fruits, vegetables, etc...) we have to make Lebanon the #1 destination for tourists around the world we have to "regive" the great cultural face for Lebanon and the Lebanese . You ask how this can be? :

    1* we have to make Lebanon a secular country ( no ta2yfyye) and delete the "Heritage Principe" in politics--> this way only qualified and skilled people can "manage" the country as the PEOPLE want

    2* delete this 7820 party which are in Lebanon and to organize parties in Lebanon we should have 3 parties in maximum (and not religious parties)

    3* The ministers should be specified in the ministries they "direct" for example the minister of Public health should be a doctor, the minister of Justice should be a lawyer for example...

    4* Lebanese economy should (te3temid) depend more on Agriculture and industry so we can satisfy the Lebanese needs and export the excess

    5* the education should be obligatory and free until grade 9

    6* The Palestinians should quit Lebanon or should be "fully" Lebanese (if they still as they are today problems will continue for ever)

    7* enforce the relation with the Arab countries in different sectors and try to make peace with Israel so Lebanon will be opened to Europe

    8* We have to build an army who can defend Lebanon as it has to do !

    Thank you and love you Lebanon!!!

  6. A government

  7. secularism

  8. i don't know

    tahina comes from lebanon and i eat it everyday

    so tahina for me i guess

  9. Peace, Lebanese must think of the country good not of their individual good. MAY ALLAH BLESS EVERY ARABIAN COUNTRY!!!

  10. Lebanese politicians.

    the kind who will work for Lebanon as a country and not their little groups within a country

  11. (Lebanese) Kamal Ataturk

    -- Lebanon needs a revolution!

  12. The Assad Regime Overthrown. Shebba Farms returned to us. The world butting out of our affairs. A man like Bachir Gemayel. And only then will we be a great country again.

  13. solidarity...

  14. el zo3ama yerja3o yfello min lebnen :D

    + ykoun mojtama3 3almene (laic)

  15. A good soccer team.. ta yerfa3elna rasna bel 3alam!!

    we have never made it to the world or euro

    and a gd soccer team to make it... could raise our  "tadamon and we7de wataniyyeh" as a country...

    and make everything better in Lebanon

    \ok.. not really!!

    what am i saying?? umm it's probably the effect of the sleepiness and the fact that my soccer team just lost and i'm dissapointed and need to unwind....

    especially since i told my cousin that we would win and i was absolutely certain... 3-1 was not what i had in mind!!

    a55.. well... this is life

    ok i know this has nothing to do with the question

    sorry about that

    i'm just dissapointed and tired

    and i really need to learn to shut up! well im not really talking but you get what i mean right?

    i bet i'm gonna get loadz of thumbs down for that!

    hmm... i'd better go get some sleep... that would be for the best...

    why am i writing this??

    oh well....

  16. a new government

  17. 1.....decent politicians

    2.....Israel, Syria and Iran  far away

    3.....a good summer season

    Sorry....are 3 things....and still have more !!!!!!!!!!!

  18. Belier and Angelo and Ghannouge ..

    coming soon ;))

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