
What do we need to do to strengthen the U. S. dollar?

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Please help me understand this!




  1. Well you need a robust economy, an economy in demand, a growing economy.

    The USA keeps on resorting to printing the cash, this exacerbates the situation and furhher devalues the dollar.

    The oil factor is relevent. As everything is priced in dollars, the dollar will remain dominant, but even the oil cannot hold the dwindling dollar. Countries are now forsaking the dollar, as it is not in their national interest to possess assets that will become worthless as times goes by. They're opting for the Euro and other currencies.

    Bottom line.

    Save more, spend less, that's at least a start.

  2. Bring back jobs.

  3. I don't know if we can make the dollar better anytime soon.  We'll have to take a long term solution to do that.  We must reduce our deficit, lessen our national debt, stop going into wars we shouldn't be in and improving the ones we're in (reduces spending), and maybe decrease the trade deficit.

    Problem is...our national debt has been making the dollar wroth less.  More debt means dollar is not worth that much.

    Spending too high and tax cuts have increased deficit which makes more debt.

    That's a tremendous problem.  I don't think it will be fixed in the short-term, etc.. :[

  4. The only think that you had to do is to keep increasing oils price. Oil is negotiated in dollars. That's why oil is so expensive

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