
What do we think about mccain's judgement now?

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troopergate. she fired an official because he wouldn't fire her sister's ex husband.

and now,

her underage, unmarried daughter is 5 months pregnant.





  1. His judgment is poor not only of his VP choice but thinking that any one making less than 5 million a year is not rich!!! Mr. McCain, this is not the moon or the Jupiter. This is the earth were real people live!

  2. picking her was pretty ballsy. its either going to be a very smart move or a very stupid move, wont be able to tell for a couple weeks until the dust settles.

    "hey did not do their homework on this woman. No way."

    there is no way that they didnt know about most or all of the stuff that has been in the news. its a huge decision and they wouldnt have made it on a whim. i think they chose her delibrately because she has flaws and theyre trying to rebrand themselves and have more of a "woman of the people" approach to counter Obama's average joe appeal

  3. It appears McCain's VP choice will be a developing story in which there will be new and shocking surprises everyday.  Palin will probably have to eventually decline this nomination and forever will be a strong reminder of how despicable McCain's pandering and lack of judgment truly is.  

  4. The Republicans are so awash in hypocrisy that judgment doesn't even figure into their platform anymore.

    They are an improv group now.

    They just make it up as they go.  

  5. Trooper gate - being investigated, but does not seem to be anything more than political propaganda against her.

    Her daughter - none of our business, but seems to be being dealt with by the family in a mature and loving way.

    I think both of these so called issues only continues to show that McCain has chosen the correct person to be his running mate.

  6. Her scandals are just beginning to grow. They did not do their homework on this woman. No way.

  7. Let's say it together:  VERY POOR JUDGMENT!

  8. Both of their judgment is suspect.

  9. I think you are trying to make mountains out of mole hills.


    Anyone rememeber Rezko? Bill Ayers maybe...?? No of course you don't.

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