
What do we think of the Olypics being allowed?

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Just wanted to know what poeple think about the Olypics being given to China after the killings in Tibet.

I personally think the Chinese government should not be awarded with the Games after their disgusting, emotionless/ effortless actions.




  1. everyone's got issues with every other country.  if we're going to only play the olympics in a place where no one is being suppressed or "invading illegally" (that poster is an idiot) then we should have them in Antarctica.  

  2. Wrong, pathetic, and weak and uncaring of the other nations around the world who allow it, and even vote for it, through the Olympic committee.

    Just the same as not ousting Mugabe is weak, or not forcing the US to recognise the human rights of Guantanamo Bay detainees is weak. We live in a world of power junkies and money-whores, and the cowing of the Chinese is purely to secure future lucrative trade deals with them.

    No country should be welcomed into the world wide community until it fully recognises the human rights of it's citizens, and stops abusing people.

    I have no respect for either the Chinese, or those who gave them the games. Damned good at opening ceremonies though, aren't they?

    Take care.

    Oh... and Ching Chong, you are wrong. I'm in the UK, and my brother-in-law is in Indonesia, and neither of us believe that China should get the games.

  3. I personally think the you are jealous of china winning and that no other country either than the USA is actually bothered about this.

  4. goes along with any country that's been awarded the games that has a hand in suppression of people. or indeed illegally invading other countries, can think of at least one right off the top of my head. !

    I am not an idiot, but many countries have blood on their hands and US are no ******** different. Nor Britain come to think of it. And we are hosting the next one

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