
What do wild frogs and toads eat besides bugs?

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What do wild frogs and toads eat besides bugs?




  1. crickets, worms even other toads ocasionally

  2. Some toads are cannibals (they eat other toads). They will also eat other invertebrae other than insects and arachnida (I think that's your definition of "bugs") such as worms.

  3. wild frogs and toads will eat besides bugs crickets, snails, and  even other toads or frogs

  4. we went to the pet store when my daughter began catching toads and frogs from our yard and around our pool.  you can buy stuff at the pet store, like crickets, but basically but the store owner told us if she's going to keep them for a while, make sure there is plenty of fresh moss in the container and water.

  5. Besides bugs, most frogs and taod will also prey on spiders, snails, slugs, and other terrestrial invertebrates.  Large species, such as the marine toad and bullfrog, will prey on anything they can fit into their mouths.  Prey items include other frogs and toads, snakes, lizards, mice, and even small birds.

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