
What do women do when ex is obsessed and enraged by being dumped..after a year. i have a restraining order ?

by  |  earlier

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but it does not seem to be upheld by the courts or police




  1. It depends on what your circumstances are. In the UK if you own your own home then it would be difficult to move but if it's a council property or housing association then you can ask to be moved into temporary accommodation until this all dies down or move permananently.  

  2. Move to a different part of town.

  3. Wow that sux I'm so sorry  

  4. hi sweetheart ive been here and every time that x-husband came within the distance i phoned the police ,and believe me the police soon got fed up with this .....but not with me WITH HIM >>and he got arrested and i took him to court andthat sorted him out that way .....start keeping a diary of everything he does calls txts phone calls and show this to the police and get a lawyer as well and this is one h**l of a strong bit of evidence to go to court with ,cause the last thing he is going to think is that youre keeping a copy of all his actions ......and with time it does get easier ,my now DIVORCED HUSBAND WOOHOO !!wouldnt come near me for any reason as he knows what i will do ,and yes it does get up his nose ,but it is a small price he has to pay considering what he put me through !!,be strong and you will win this and you will get this piece of slim sorted out ,good luck and takecare and remember if i can do it ...then so can you xx

  5. That is a shame that you can go through the proper channels and still not be protected. I would say to find out who your state legislator is lobby him to get your restraining order enforced.

    Talk to a woman's political group like NOW and ask them what you should do.

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