
What do women hope to accomplish when they nag ?

by Guest65752  |  earlier

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I would love to know how moaning and nagging could be a useful strategy. (you make ONE mistake with another woman and you never hear the end of it. *sigh*)




  1. its stereotypical that every woman will nag you

    most of the time a woman will ask nicely and and the man will not listen so she starts going on about it constantly until she gets the point across

  2. actually it is so you do the right thing or do what she wants you too and men don't usually respond unless told over and over and over again so nagging is the best way to get you to do something that u neglested to do

  3. I don't nag the guy, I just dump him.

  4. The same thing men hope to accomplish when THEY nag: to get the other to do or cease doing something.

    Oh, you're talking about hearing about something dumb you did and already apologized or made good for. You might consider negotiating a time limit for hearing about it.

  5. They hope to have someone actually listen to them and pay attention.  It's that simple.

  6. You men wouldn't survive without women--exclude sexual functions.  

  7. I suppose when someone has heard the same thing more than once it would be considered nagging and this usually occurs when asked to do something more than once. Keep in mind that us ladies are not your mothers and we shouldn't have to ask you  for you to accomplish a certain task. Not even once. Take care of your responsibilities without us asking and just maybe you won't have to hear it. I hope this is the last time I have to say this.

  8. Some women have a nasty habit of keeping themselves in the past; they do so to use it as a tool, which explains why you have the nagging problem you do.

    I'm a woman I know some of our secrets; not all, but some. Me? I wouldn't waste my time.

  9. To repel undesirable men.

  10. Nagging is a sign of frustration.  If a woman nags, her spouse, or bf should be supportive and find out what she is upset about.  He becomes a hero if he helps her resolve the issue.  

    So if she is nagging about you(man) because you won't(fix your problem she is having with you), then its clear that the frustration is you.  Keep in mind that its easy to impress and please a woman; its not complicated like you think.  Its just takes you to take the time to ask her how you can smooth it out.

  11. Why is it that when a woman nags feminist say that it isn't abuse but when a man does the nagging then all of a sudden he is an abusive control freak.

    It's funny how things like that work with feminists. Man does something =abuse. Woman does something then it is justified by being her just getting her point across or because he did something wrong.

    It's funny that women never do anything wrong according to femmies but yet men can't do anything right at all.

    Yep femmies are out for equality all right.

    Notice how the female answers are mostly about what he does wrong and how he should fix the problem.

    Not a word about how it is wrong for women to do this.

    Because if a woman is unhappy it is the man's responsibility to fix it yet if he is unhappy it is abuse if he mentions it to a woman.

  12. Women nag for many reasons (to get attention, to feel powerful, etc.), but a large reason is that every man wants to keep their woman happy, and if she is moaning and nagging like you said the the question, the man feels the need to help his loved one and make her happy.

            One reason for the nagging could be beacause a woman's brain is wired like a checklist: If something is unresolved or not where it should be, she feels the need to fix the problem, or in this case, have you fix it. If you don't fix that one single thing on that checklist, she will become paranoid with the fact that everything isn't the way it needs to be. It will stay on her mind all day and night, causing her to nag like crazy until you finish it. Bottom line: she's making you go crazy, because you're making her go crazy.

            Another large reason is listed above, which is to feel powerful. When a woman is at her job all day being bossed around by people above her, she is bound to feel remarkably stressed and angry that she has no power. Nagging gives a woman power over the nagged, making her feel important, as well as relieved that she doesn't have to do the work for herself after a long and stressful day.

            I hope that this information helped you in understanding why women nag at their loved ones. These reasons are only what I personally feel is correct, so don't be suprised if a woman disagrees with these answers. Every woman is different, as well as their nagging intensity.

  13. I think it's hard for women to let go of something that's bothering us if it's unresolved. If they're nagging about something that hurts them or angers them, I think the solution would be to talk about it, maybe apologize for what happened. once it's resloved she'll stop nagging. I catch myself nagging at my boyfriend sometimes and I think it's because he acts like what I'm upset about isn't important. If it's a legitimate complaint, then apologize, then point out ot her that next time you'd rather her talk about it with you constructively, then 'nag" you  about it (but don't use the word nag when you tell ehr this...she'll get offended).  

  14. Women use nagging as a tool to accomplish a wide variety af tasks they are unwilling or unable to do themselves.

    Nag , Nag , Nag, " Fine ! I'll do it if that's what it takes for you to shut your trap ! "

  15. That the man will get mad, have a heart attack - DIE and she will get the insurance money.

    Come on!  Give me the ten points!

  16. I dont know.

    Results maybe?

    If so they are definitely going about it the wrong way.

  17. They nag it means two they want control over you, and two they have a declining attraction to you.

    If you set the precedence in the beginning of the relationship that you will not tolerate second class behavior (like nagging) then she won't do it if she has class, or she will if she doesn't (which is best to leave her then).

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