
What do women really want?

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Not just in men, but in life.




  1. depends on the day of the week

  2. Actually Women aren't really that complicated...All we want is Understanding..Someone who'll Listen when we speak...A guy can have his ball game, his beer, his frenz, we're ok with all that as long as when we have a bad day, let us whine and complain, nag a little.. Just be there for us when we need comfort..Of course we know our complaining or nagging wouldn't solve anything, we just need to release! And other than that, we want affection & love.. These doesn't mean saying I LOVE U all the time or buying expensive stuff... It just means showing u care,. ( e.g just Offer to help us with the dishes, we wouldn't want u to wash the dishes... Just offer to show u care =) Also say Sorry and mean it, and do not take us for granted, we clean and cook in the hope of you being more comfortable... Just show us u appreciate it by saying a simple Thank u =) And I think we want t not be stereotyped....Give us credits coz we do have brains and we do use them =)

  3. normal women want to be made to feel they are the most important thing in the world by the man who they think is THE ONE. On the third date with my wife I brought her to my place and made her dinner. When she arrived i turned off my cell phone, and unplugged the land lines. I did this in a way to appear as though i was being discrete but made sure she could see. I sat her at the counter and while I prepared the meal I listened, stopping several times and asking her to elaborate on something.

    I sooooooo Scored that night!

    Simply put women want to feel important and appreciated, not just by men but by everyone that matters to them.

  4. Honestly. . . *I* have no idea what I really want.  I'm not expecting anyone who lives outside my brain to have a clue if I don't.

    I guess I want to be happy?  However, what makes me happy is too complicated to be defined easily. . . and that's the part even I don't know at least half the time until I find out what makes me unhappy first.  I suspect that's true for lots of people, regardless of gender, too -- women are often just more likely to annoy other people with it because we probably invented language and so tend to like using it more.

  5. Security security security!!!

    And to be the envy of others. If a woman isn't makings someone jealous then she ain't happy.

  6. We want it all! The House, the car, the 2.5 children, happiness, wealth, love, adoration, and glamour of course. All of it!

  7. I don't understand how anyone can ask this question knowing that all women have different goals and values. I want a career, but not all women do. Most women want children, but I don't. The only common goal across the world is freedom to live as we see fit.

  8. career, nice guy to settle down with, a family.

  9. I cannot generalize for my entire gender.  I can only speak for myself.  I want a lot out of life.  I want the love of friends and family.  I want a decent place to live and food on my table.  I want to make enough money to be able to afford all my utilities, medical expenses, rent, and all the necessities, and have a little left over that I can afford a luxury every now and then, like going to the movies or going to visit my family.  I want to be needed.  I want to be respected and appreciated.  I want trust and honesty.  I want to be happy.  I want to find passion (not necessarily in the relationship/s*x sense).  And I don't want to take anything for granted.

  10. The same thing as men, really. Happiness. Security. Good company. Etc.

  11. Women are "sick" from time to time, as a group.

    For instance, once the vast majority of women wanted to only court warriors, leading to wars of terrible proportion.

    Today, they want to court d ope dealers. This has lead to d rug law wars, like de@dbeat dad legislation.

    What? You didn't know de@dbeat dad laws were d ope dealer freindly laws?

    Oh really? Because it makes sence to you that a man can be ordered by a "lawfull court" (of a class of courtiers that a Supreme court Judge once said were Kangaroo...) to "earn" $30,000 per year without a car, tools of any kind, licenses' like patents or business licenses or copyrights, or bank accounts, or accounts at hardware stores, or loans or grant or endowment money (even from grants trusts and other endowments he himself set up to help the poor ~ or his family)....or school....??????????????????????????????... In short, to be ordered by a court to either break the law or do nothing but see his kids go without???????

    Hey, these laws make only one class of person happy; crooks are very happy that a crook and only a crook is OK when faced with de@dbeat dad laws.

    But then again, politicians respond to women, the majority s*x.

    They want war? We War!!!!

    They want s*x with lawless d opers?

    We fix it so they are the only legal people "authorized" by the courts to engage in s*x. For all intentions and purposes.

    While hiding what we do to lawfull men who get "upity" and thus de@dbeat.

    Bad nice guy, you aren't a crook, you've no means of earning any living after the judge says so....Bad guy for having "dependants".

    Hey, its madness, but women go for it.

    So I suspect things will change, when women get over wanting madness...

  12. Sausage.

  13. More than what they have. Always more.

  14. Women want more, women want all that they can get.

  15. Security, money, good health. As for the rest of things in life, some of us can get with no problem.

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