
What do women think about video games and Sports?

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What do women think about video games and Sports?




  1. I, for one, think that video game makers almost always enhance the look of their b*****s by making them gargantuan and make them have perky nipples and clearly none of the characters have the fondest idea of what a bra is.

    Oh and we're almost never the heroes. Just the damsels in distress.

  2. thata both can be played?

  3. Each woman would probably have a different opinion and different reasons for those opinions. There is no general answer. I know some who play I know some who don't. Lovers and haters alike. There isn't one answer.

  4. I love GTA.

    I love the Spurs.

    I hate football.

    ...those are some of my thoughts on these topics.

  5. There is not a consensus of those two activities among the entire female population.

  6. video games = love them

    sports = zzzzzzzzz

    But that's a personal opinion and has nothing to do with being a feminist.

  7. Love video games, not into sports.  Luckily my husband is the same.  We've had great fun gaming together.

  8. they see em as competition for our attention.

  9. Every female answer on here is like something your mum would say, lame!!!!  they should invent thier own hobbies!

  10. Well, they are slamming this new game coming out called "Fat Princess" where you control a princess that gets cake to get fatter. It makes me think that they wouldn't slam it if it were "Fat Prince", which ultimately makes me think that they think that a game with a fat man is fine, but a game with a fat woman isn't.

  11. I love video games, sport I only like playing and not watching.

    Nearly all the women I know play video games BUT I think the confusion is, that so many women do plove video games, but they don't admit it. I think that society makes women that play video games seem a bit childish, like we should 'be mature'.

    As a married business woman I wont say I don't play video games, but there is a kind of embarassment in saying it.

    But who cares, having fun is more important!!!

  12. I love video games!!! I grew up with only men so I love it!

  13. I don't. I watch grand slam tennis sometimes, and downhill and slalom/giant slalom skiing in the wintertime if it's on TV. Other than that, I have little use for either video games or sports.

    My significant other plays World of Warcraft sometimes.

  14. I'm a geek gamer and sports are awesome!!!!

  15. I only play a limited number of video games as I find the majority boring to the nth degree. I go through love and disinterest periods with different sports. I like basketball and have gone to a lot of NCAA Final Fours and WNBA and ABL basket ball games since I use to love basketball but we didn't have a girls team until high school-it was pre-title IX. I use to be crazy about rock-climbing but finally got bored with it. I consider canoeing and sea-kayaking sports and still do those-I have boats for both. I know a lot of women into outdoor sports who also love to watch sports-but know many women dislike sports as well. If video games were not so sexist-I think a lot more girls and women would be interested in them-or admit they liked them.  

  16. im 35 and play with my son ocassionally, on playstation but my daughter hates it and never play's .

    I personally think women have such flexable personalities, they can take it or leave it, some women play alot some not at all, men are the same .

    Personally i dont mind video games ,and i love netball, soccer  and football, I think its each to their own on this question , and not a matter of dividing gender .

  17. I love sports, I am horrible at them, but love to watch them...pretty much any sport. Football, hockey, baseball and NASCAR are my favorites, though I am thoroughly going to enjoy being able to watch gymnastics, diving and swimming once the Olympics starts. As for video games, I don't mind my husband playing them for an afternoon or something, but I am horrible at them and can't watch others play.  I usually surf the net when he is playing them.

  18. i think its great gives me a chance to do the things like y!a  lol

  19. i love them

    PLEASE help me anyone can, itsa  bit of reading but easy please thanks   x x x

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