
What do women want? Why do you think the way you do? Give me the answer to the greatest question of all.?

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What do women want? Why do you think the way you do? Give me the answer to the greatest question of all.

Question Details: I am writing a book and your answer could be included. By submitting your answer, you agree that your comments can be used in publication and can be used freely without any monetry compensation. Please feel free to include your name, part of your name, your age, and any other information you may wish to have included or indeed, not have included.

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  1. I read a joke where a man asked God build him a bridge somewhere and God said that would be difficult, ask me for something else so he asked to understand women. God then said, you want that bridge roadway 2 or 4 lanes?

  2. Most don't know due to social engineering.

  3. not what you asked, but what you need to know:

    the culture women grow up in is very different from the culture men grow up in. ( at least in the US)  Starting within hours of birth, infant boys and girls are being treated differently, rewarded differently.  even by intelligent educated people in the hospital.

    girls are rewarded for being quiet, well behaved. and, sadly, for being pretty more than being intelligent.

    Boys AREN'T rewarded for those things, and , in a great many cases, the only way boys can get attention is to be loud, to break things.  Boy's are rewarded for being tough.

    You might want to look at an old video, from NOVA, on PBS, called "The Pinks and the Blues."

  4. I think women want the same things men want, they want to be happy , and to have a family, a job,  friends, someone to treat them with respect. But overall I would say two things Health & Happiness

  5. I just want love and trust and respect and someone to say what they mean thats all but i guess thats hard cause if it was not i would not be single

  6. Happiness...Love...Attention

    What shes wants isn't hard now achieving thats a different story

  7. women want a man who will love them unconditionaly

  8. Ahhhh!! the "greatest" question in the world?? U didn't mention how old U were...that would give a clue as to how clueless U are ....about the fairer s*x....Women want to be appreciated, cherished, treated as a equal partner whether they r married or not...that alone speaks volumes about "how" u truly feel about her. Does she rate high enough on you're totem pole, to be included in on every major decision especially financial or want ever thing that may be coming up or has transpired. Yes, a strong Woman, needs to be loved, treated w/ respect...not just when it is convenient....but w/ out smothering the relationship for either of U...she needs to be You're lover, best friend, ...if U are her friend...treat her as U, Yourself would want to be treated...not like 1 of ur'e buds...she will never be don't go there. Good luck w/ life & you're quest...Amend Ur'e question & add ur'e age....Happy Valentine's!!!

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