
What do women want nowadays?

by  |  earlier

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just curious..




  1. Hi,

    perhaps i'm jaded, but it seems to me that the younger generations want it all - have their cake and eat it too.

    the usual meaningless things... looks, money, fame, clothes and accessories, rich good looking guy, expensive car... and i think in about that order.

    but, i have little faith in american women... hope you are not from here, lol.

  2. ice cream chocolate pets laptops many more like these

  3. I don't think we can lump all women on the planet together and expect one answer that covers every female.

    I think women and men want the same things- honour, respect, security, trust, companionship and so on. However, women and men interpret the above things in different ways. So Women look at more micro matters to judge whether their partner can deliver these qualities, and men look at the big picture in judging the same things.

    Neither is better than the other, it's just the way we are wired. Also, I'm not saying all women micro manage and all men only look at the big picture. I'm saying these are our in- built, complementing tendencies which God put in us to facilitate a successful partnership in marriage.

  4. Respect and honor. To be recognized as equal to men in every way.

  5. I thin ksociety tries to foll people into believing that they want something, eg careers when not every body does.

    I personalyl just want to have fun and love.

  6. Personally i dont think women want anything in particular except perhaps success. Women are made out to be difficult creatures, but we aren't. Our needs and wants just change.

    Women just want someone who wont question what we believe in or our mood swings. We do things for a reason and are constantly testing you, just because we can. We dont do things to make mens lives difficult. We just try to find someone we can truly trust.

  7. They want world domination.Truthfully speaking.

  8. Your choice to take this advice or not but its true--- Btw I think this is what your refering to...

    Women want to be taken by a MAN and by that I mean not someone who will give in to everything they want, Not a man who is ALWAYS available to go out, deffo not someone who is more girly then they are!

    Display these qualites and your in!

    Your the Leader of your social group- if this is displayed through telling stories about how you lead etc etc...

    Preselected- Walk around with two birds on your arms! Dont matter if you find them desireable or not! If your good enough for them other women will think the same.

    Protective- That doesnt mean punch any guy who speaks to her! Just naturally.

    Hope this helps ;-) Lol ladies aren't gunna like this answer...

  9. Money plus a hot looking guy to have s*x with.

  10. money, they want to think they know us men better then we know ourselves, they want to get in bed with chris brown, they want to believe that acting ditzy and supid is cute, they care way to much about other girls, they want to be as far from natural as possible ( i love natural girls), they would rather be with some rich guy that treats them bad rather then a person who isnt rich but would treat them right,they want to feel right even when they are wrong, they want guys to say "yes dear" to everything they say....what ever happend to love?

    this is to tiny... i know what u mean about the trust thing, im a guy people can trust because  i have a set of what i believe are good morals but... what happens after a few months of these trust tests and the girl cant get ANY dirt on the guy what so ever? im only asking this because of my EX, she couldnt get anything on me at all and i think it bothered her.  Its like it was to good to be true to her that she told herself that i was just REALLY good at hiding things just because its rare to find someone whos loyal. I ended up dumping her because she wouldnt stop "testing" me and playing the stupid mind games.

  11. They don't know and neither do we. Get back to me after feminism has been dead for a couple of generations and people might be able to figure each other out a bit better.

  12. Feminists have convinced women to want --- everything.

    This is why men are turning against women.

  13. to be recognised for the things they are superior to men at,

    but for men to pretend that they are equal in the things they are inferior

  14. money and adventure

  15. We want you to listen. We want you to care. We want respect. We want to be pleased in bed, not some half a** grope here and a l**k there. We want you to know that we are human too, that we are strong willed and yet need to be taken care of (during weak moments like when we're sick). That we don't want to just "feed you a cake while you rest under a tree" we would still like you to "fight" for us. Women nowadays out number men and most of the time you guys don't even bother to stick around. We also want to know that you are a strong individual mentally as well as physically- so many times was I forced to realize that I was dating a complete r****d (no offense to anyone). Does this help?

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