
What do wood pidgeons eat?

by  |  earlier

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i saw a baby wood pidgeon fall out of a tree and we want to look after it till it can fly so what do they eat and drink and how often do i feed it.





  1. food

  2. try and find a wildlife rehabber in your area to care for the bird.  next time, just leave the birds alone.  if you try and care for it yourself, you will kill it.

  3. What ever you do don't put it back where it came from, its to young to be by itself it would probably die in hours. You've done the right thing so far make sure you look after it until its older, a wood pigeons diet consists of mainly vegetables, seeds and grain obviously you can feed it bread to. Just make sure it doesn't become to dependent on you as its mother so that when its released into the wild again it can fend for itself. Nurse it for a week or so then maybe ask the vet what to do next, good luck =)

  4. Put it back where you found it,The birds mother will find it.

  5. Crops like cabbages, sprouts, peas and grain. Also buds, shoots, seeds, nuts and berries.

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