
What do ya'll think about this thing with my friend?

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SO...we have been friends for a while and once i decided i would stay in town for a few years for friend and i had to realize we weren't going to be together all the time like we're used to.....anyways....shes moving across the country for college next week and i have been upset that she hasnt called as much as she should..because she is moving and everytime i call she doesnt question is......should it be me trying to call her and hang out before she leaves...or her BECAUSE shes the one who is leaving...

PS..note tht i have already started college and i still find time to call her




  1. I'm in the exact same situation as you!  

    You never know...your friend could be sitting thinking the exact same thing as you.  I think you should call her.  Not necessarily because you 'should' be the one to call but just because she's leaving so you should make every effort to enjoy the last week.

    With me i think i'm distancing myself from my friend who is leaving in a week (see told you i was in the same situation!).  Maybe this is because i'm not dealing with it that well...i'm gutted.  She was the best friend i've ever had.

    I think what i'm doing is distancing myself now to make it easier on myself when she leaves...sort of easing myself into it i think.

    Probably not the most mature and sensible thing to do but there you go.  Maybe she'd doing the same if she seems to be avoiding you?

    Or she could be really busy getting everything ready to leave...

    So i'd just continue to call her, maybe go round to her house if she doesn't answer.  

    Good luck!

  2. it should be her.,coz shes d one who will move.,.

    but i do understnd her.,.coz it is very painful for her to mov.,.but she has no choice

  3. You should call, or once your friend leaves you're probably going to regret not spending time with her when you had the chance.  It sounds like shes trying to distance herself to make it less painful.

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