
What do ya'll think of nose piercings?

by  |  earlier

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do ya'll think its a good idea or becoming to trendy????

im thinking about getting mine pierced but idk




  1. i think that the smaller ones are cute but the hoops that like go in both nostrils aren't.

  2. i want one.

    but people say to me eww y do u want a hole in ur nose.

    but its really up to u.

  3. I suppose if you could stay in teenage-land forever, a nose ring would sound like a good idea. The fact of the matter is, a nose ring will leave a hole in your nose, which really doesnt get any cuter with age. Also, if you expect to be taken seriously anytime soon, dont bother.  

  4. i've had mine for 3 years. it's no big deal. no one really notices it anyway. it's a personal choice, really. i love mine.


  5. I don't like them really, but if you do then go for it.  

  6. When I see anyone's pierced nose, all I think of is boogers.

    Sorry, maybe it's my age showing.

    Just one piece of advice:  In too few years it all sags and wrinkles anyway.  Don't put anything on display where it will humiliate you publicly in your old age!!

    NO kidding.

  7. I like them. It's all about what you like.  

  8. i got mine done its not a big deal no one cares

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