
What do ya's think about Gaz goin to Union will he go or stay loyal to the Dragons? I'd say Union!!?

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What do ya's think about Gaz goin to Union will he go or stay loyal to the Dragons? I'd say Union!!?




  1. hes gone for sure and luke rooney from the panthers is goin aswell

  2. I think he'll go and over the next few years so will a lot more of the guys and at younger ages.  They're chasing the bucks so you can't blame them, there isn's that sort of money here for them.

    The small amount of good news is that it will weaken French and English union in the long run 'cause the young locals won't get a look in because of all the foreigners.

    The bad news is that the talent pool here is not limitless.

  3. I don't want gasnier to go at all!

    he is a great nrl player, and it would be sad to see him go

    he wouldn't be playing for nsw either, and they really need him

    i hope he stays

  4. money talks so he will go to the union.then back again to nrl just like sailor and rogers.

  5. Let Gasnier Go

    He is over hyped and is doing the same as when he had discussions with the ARU delay delay delay waiting for best offer

    Good managemnet i spose

    Colin Best on the weekned showed his flaws in defense as did QLD in State of Origin.

    As some of the new players to the ARL have shwon lately there is still a lot of talent out there

    Let a few high profile players go and just wait and see how comes through ranks

  6. Money talks so its good he is going, he has a french girlfriend so he might as well take it while he can...why wouldnt you want to go live in france and come back a few mill richer...better than staying at the dragons.

    lifestyle, cash, new start, new challenge and NSW wont miss him..

    good luck Mark..

    rugby is a boring game, he might be back in 2 years anyway after he realises he is barely going to touch the ball in rugby, and when he does, he will be told to kick it haha

  7. He's over rated.  I don't know if he has played Union before.  He's no good in League, as illustrated yesterday, so why would he be any good in Union in France.

    St George would be better off without him.

  8. he will go to union getting $500,000 to play 14 games a year for the dragons was not enough he has showed just how much a non team mate he is would j morris have gone to bulldogs if gasnier was going to union

    gasnier has let his team mates down by taking so long to defect all this is by management they shpuld be ashamed of them selves

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