
What do yaw think of this one????

by  |  earlier

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TITLE: I'M SO BLUE... I'm so blue,I don't know what to do...should I take a gun, an put myself away? Wonder if one bullet would do, hard as my head is it would probably take two.But I ain't got no bullet or gun,an I'm to blue to look for one!!!!




  1. Why would you want to kill yourself?  Pray to God, and like the others said you should talk to a Doctor who specializes in everything.  Why not change the poem around.  Title it: "I'll Keep Trying"

    I'm so blue.  What should I do?  All I want to do is cry.  I'm letting life pass me bye.  Giving up is too easy.  So I'll give this a try.  With God on my side there's no reason for me to ever want to die.

  2. I really don't know how to respond to suicide poems except to say that you should probably seek professional help.

    Y'all, not Yaw

  3. Maybe you should think of other things to do besides writting this on yahoo, you can get help with this depression they have hot lines you can call!

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