
What do you NOT like about your candidate?

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What do you NOT like about your candidate?




  1. What I don't like about McCain:

    He's a Democrat.

  2. I don't care much for his stance on nuclear power

  3. His support of abortion

  4. McCain has no enthusiasm, he is not fun to watch.  I will not vote for Obama, but I love to hear him speak.

  5. one thing that Obama says does kind of annoy me. he says something like "only in america can a person like me be in this position"

    well in South America, their is a divorced single mother who is president of her country. and their is another president of another country who only three years eariler was a poor farmer.

    american is actually pretty slow in it's progressiveness. i mean american was one of the last industrial countries to let women vote

  6. Too many things to list here, I'm afraid. Suffice it to say, the last four years of McCain are all unpleasant. But before then are all pretty good.

  7. Bob Barr:

    He's a libertarian, which means that if he gets 2% of the vote it's a sucess for him.  But I've got to fall on the third party sword over voting for a RINO like McCain

  8. what i hate about both candidates is this...

    If you want to admit it or not one of the biggest leaches this country has on it's finances is WELFARE

    Yet nobody ever says

    "I will pull welfare down, revamp it, and put it back into place, with much few ways it can be abused, and much better benefits for those who NEED it."

    I hope someone, some day will say a line like that....

    I have a plan, I think most would like...but I'd be happy if someone just tried to fix it...not just put yet another band-aid on it

  9. i don't like either candidate all that much, i guess i am a hater

  10. Use of profanity, reputation of having a temper, a little to willing to side with the opposing party.

    McCain/Palin   2008


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