
What do you REALLY know about Dr. Ron Paul?

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Cite your facts and your sources please. I really want to know.




  1. There have been allegations of racism, some racist groups somehow connected with his campaign or something.  Sorry I don't have sources there has been talk of that on  the  internet and elsewhere.

    He believes liberals are atheists, which to me says he is narrow minded concerning religion, or else he's trying to get the evangelical vote.

    It just isn't so.

    He wants to eliminate the EPA  and is generally terrible when it comes to the environment.

    His idea is that we will all sue each other for polluting our property, and that's how we'll save the environment.  Oh, so if I don't own property, I don't have any rights to a clean environment, I guess.  And don't you think we already have enough lawyers?

    He doesn't want less govt, he doesn't want any.

    Otherwise he has some good ideas.

  2. who is Ron Paul?

  3. He is a medical doctor. Supposedly.

  4. Not much. Unfortunately candidate Paul hasn't done a very effective job of gaining attention for his platform issues.

  5. I know he's definitely NOT going to win the election come November.

  6. I cant site anything but i seen him on tv and he is totally against the government he is crazy dont vote for him.

  7. hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

  8. I know nothing about Ron Paul

  9. I know he's the best candidate for the job...seeing as he doesn't interpret the Constitution, he just obeys it.

  10. i grew up with one of his workers and my friend tells me he treats him like s**+-i-

  11. I learned a lot by watching him on youtube, hearing the words straight from his mouth. He is a tough old feller, hes got my vote!

  12. all I know is that he is running for president...not much i know

  13. I know he isn't going to win the presidency.  That is all I know.

  14. I know that he is the HOPE FOR AMERICA

    I also know that he wants to:

    -Bring our troops home

    -Secure our borders by bring OUR border patrol and customs agents bac from outher countries (Incl. Iraq)

    -Lower taxes

    -Abolish the IRS, because it was NEVER created to tax individuals -it was created to tax bussiness.

    -End birthright citizenship

    -Give more rights to the STATES

    ..just like the constitution says...

    He want's to take our country back!

    This man knows what he's talking about

    P.S. Just beacuse you havent heard about him on CNN and Fox doesnt mean he isn't campaigning effectively.... it means THEY don't want people to hear his message...

    Check out his website and his accomplishments.... he's been a Congressman for Years.

  15. Zip

  16. Who???????

  17. is he g*y?

  18. #1 - That he's the only one of these losers that I'd consider voting for in November.

    #2 - Since that is true, he doesn't stand the chance of an ice cube in h**l in winning this election.

    "Government for the People, by the People", indeed.

    A better question would be:

    "Would you rather be shot in your kneecaps with a 12-guage shotgun or a .50 cal. ?"

    Either way, YOU LOSE.

  19. I know that CNN and the main news groups have hushed him up from the start, on purpose....

  20. nothing at all

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