
What do you THINK is easier?

by Guest66727  |  earlier

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to express HAPPINESS or SADNESS??




  1. With other people: happiness

    By myself: sadness

  2. Sadness.  That is a safe emotion.  Happiness risks vulnerability.

  3. ...i think its HAPPINESS...

    ...though situations dictate ones expressions...its HAPPINESS overall...

  4. Both seem to be hard!

  5. Happiness is easier to express than sadness. We tend to share our joys with others, and wallow in abject pain or a state of melancholy alone.  

  6. Happiness

  7. Physically: It takes more muscles to frown than smile!

    Psychologically: It is still easier to be happy!

    Put on a smile :)

  8. Sadness

  9. Sadness.

  10. happiness and sadness are both expressed effortlessly...but generally the feeling of joy is easier to control.....I guess.

    you can easier hide your feeling of joy...while it is difficult to pretend that you are not sad (happy).

    good luck


  11. I think it depends upon the individual and their personality. For me, it is easier for me to express happiness. When I am happy, I am elated, wanting to jump for joy, a huge smile on my face and radiating from head to toe. All another person has to do is look at me to feel the happiness ooze off of me. When I am sad I tend to withdrawal a little from everyone around me and deal with my sadness in solitude.

    Having said that, I know someone who has an easier time expressing sadness. He tends to have more of a pessimistic personality than I and has to get everything off of his chest to rationalize and express his despair and sadness.

  12. Personally I tend to radiate happiness, even when I'm hurting inside. No point in spreading misery.

    On the other hand, I do try to empathise with people who are really in distress - without actually wallowing with them.

  13. Sadness.

    You can express happiness by laughing or smiling but you're eyes could give it away that you are possibly not really happy, but just pretending because you are around others.  

  14. Sadness, because if it is not expressed may harm the (human) system, unlike happiness. That is why the system itself makes easier to express sadness, just to preserve itself and be able to repair any related damages that could 'v taken place.

  15. Quite an interesting question you have here.  

    On one hand I would say it is easier to express happiness because all you have to do is love your life, and let that inner joy and peace from your soul shine.  Which is what and where happiness comes from.  The problem here is that so many people in this world have not found that happiness that only lives on the inside.  They think it can be created or found someday when they have a spouse.  It is hard to find for some people.  And if you cannot find it, or do not have it ... it certainly must be hard to express.  

    And on that other hand....

    You would think sadness would be fairly easy to express as it consumes your emotions and it is hard to control holding them back.  But truth be told, there are a lot of people in this world who fear showing emotions, like sadness & crying, to those around them, as they believe it is seen as a weakness.   When you show those emotions freely, I believe you are letting that guard down, and being vulnerable to letting others into your life.  

    So, to make sense of your question and come to a conclusion....

    I think happiness is hard to find or come by, but easy to express. And sadness is easy to find, and harder to express because of that fear of looking weak.

    Thanks for reading!  

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