
What do you Think of Micheal Savage's Comment on Druging Autism?!?

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I've listened to Micheal Savage's Radio Show every now and then. He sounds like an Intelligent man, who tells the Truth about people in this Country.

Sometimes he goes Overboard, but he Really is right about what is Happening, and what should be Done.

What is the Deal with CNN, and their Sick Re-Statement about what Micheal Savage siad about Autism & Drugs?!? Maybe the Media should actually Take some Advice for once!!

Nancy Peloci is a PERFECT Example of Drugs & Possible Autism.

I think that the Media is Really going Too Far to Destroy Good, Smart People in this Nation. The Media CLEARLY Hates America, because they try to ruin people that are Trying to Save what is left of this Nation.

Savage is the Only Conservative Radio Talkshow Host with Real Balls!!!! And that is a Fact!!





  1. "Get AIDS and die, PIG!"

    -Michael Savage, to a g*y caller

    That ended any respect that I may have had for him

  2. I think those angry didn't hear the show ; they heard a partial statement taken out of context . He was talking about over-zealous drug companies over-diagnosing . He wrote books on health and for kid's health in the past and he knows something about the subject . I've heard him complain about doctors who are bent on drugging our children . That's what he referred to . Sometimes I think some people like to jump on a band wagon before they know where it's going .

  3. I did hear the show.  It's clear to anyone with autism in their lives that this man is quite misinformed.  Instead of admitting this, he's chosen to go on the offensive.  Another slap in the face to those of us who know what autism is and more importantly, what it is not.  

    How many who agree with him know anything about autism other than the rhetoric he spews or the fearmongering by the equally clueless media?

    Why not listen to those of us who do?

    Stations are dropping him left and right.  This is a good thing.  One of the worst things for our children to inherit is a world full of Savages.

    He deserves whatever happens to him.

  4. listen to HIM speak on it because everybody else has it out for him. He knows what hes talking about. and In all the years I've heard him He  has always defended kids which is what he is doing here . He is exposing ADULTS that are abusing the system and hurting kids.

    and the comment he made to the f*g caller was inresponse to the insulence of the caller. noit the fact that he is g*y. don't confuse his style with the message. hes not a hater he just is very clear about what he thinks. thats a good thing.

  5. It was obviously offensive to many. I think he said almost all or over 90% of autistic children are simply just bad spoiled kids. But he seems to think point he makes justify any fault on his behalf. It's not that he has balls its just that he's very arrogant and knows his audience.

    Think about it this way. Someone wants to make a point that autism is serious disease, so this person go overboard claiming everybody on Earth have some form of autism and we should all be treated just to make a point that autism is serious disease. Is that justified? I mean this person just wants to bring attention to it. Like Savage did?

    Is Savage's comments any different? Savage any more right than other extreme end?

    It's like people all know Savage's comment was false and offensive, but they'll still say 'yea, but... he was trying to...'  There's no 'yea, but...' Savage was simply wrong. He can rant all day about making point about over diagnoses, over drugging...etc. But he was wrong.

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