
What do you aim to do before you die??

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What do you aim to do before you die??




  1. I aim to hopefully see my children settled in warm, loving, relationships, with partners that genuinely care. Who can help them along life's long highway, sharing the good times & the not so good times.

    Good Luck. X :-)

  2. do and try everything

    have s*x 5000 time lol

  3. Get married

    have kids


    Travel USA and europe.

    As well as meet as many people as possible.

  4. slam dunk

    throw some d's on my car

    make a hit song

    have kids

    and... one thing that would be impossible

    travel the world.

  5. Get a secure job,have a wife and kids,bunjee jump

  6. get marrier have kids become a zoologist/marine biologist have an affair with a pornstar and murder a ginger with my bare hands

  7. To live as long as possible and see the UK free from the tyrannical rule of the EU. and the UK. becoming a republic

  8. I want to see something so beautiful that it would make me cry with the love of my life.

  9. to marry and settle down have kids, buy a house keep my family happy till i die

  10. G'Day mate go to America and make love to all the girls.I hope my miss don't mind she better give me permission cheers mate

  11. Become a linguist and become fluent in Japanese. Why are you asking a bunch of random people, though? What do YOU want to do? o.o

  12. get married and have kids with the man of my dreams(harry from drama class).

    and maybe jump out of an airplane?

    Oh and be in a great movie, oh! and be in home and away, now that's a dream!

  13. Get out of my dumb job,  restart my business and restore my dignity.

  14. well, i wanna find a cure to diabetes first so that the other diabetic after my death will be cured and be normal again. I don't want others to have the deadly and depressive effects of diabetes like me..

  15. finish my degree, see my kids settled, spend some time with my husband and have a long and active retirement.

  16. where do i start. well go 2 america nd canada and australia. bundgy jump and marry the man of my dreams (aaron johnson)  and become rich and become a happy family and live a long happy life

  17. Be fluent in french

    Be married with children and happy

  18. Go to Collage

    Work as a Sports car designer

    Get married

    Have at least three kids

    learn French and Spanish

    finish learning Indonesian

    And fly around the world (oh wait, I've already done that)(BTW its very exhausting)

  19. run a marathon on every continent

    be passionate about something

    dance like noboys watching

    fly to the moon :)

  20. Learn to skateboard.


    Sky Dive

  21. enjoy my life, and to get rid of my depression.

    Ther are so many things that i want to do:

    Walk the great wall of china

    visit Iceland at christmas

    Conquer my fear of diving so i can see the great barrier reef

    Go to Australia

    Go an Safari in Africa

    Visit the place where Anne Frank hid in the war

    And as well as all that, i want to make sure that my kids know i love them, and i want to tell my mum that i forgive her for the wrongs she has done me(and mean it), and ask her for forgiveness.

    How about you?

  22. be assured of my salvation and go to heaven

  23. To visit as many different countries as possible.

  24. Graduate in my Architecture college, be a successful architect, and have a family!

  25. Try not to waste the time I have thinking about dying. Fill my life as much as possible and appreciate my health.

  26. get married, have kids, and go on a hot air balloon

  27. just stay with my girlfriend and kissing her!!!

  28. Long story short... I aim to be truly honest about who I am to myself, and to those around me. And be just as accepting to others in return~ ...Er, despite how sickening and dorky that sounds :)

  29. I'd like to become extremely rich so that I can save people's lives.

    And I also want to meet certain people and go to certain places.

  30. Live life to the fullest, change people's lives, leave a positive impact on the world, and leave behind a piece of me on this earth even after I'm gone.

  31. to get divorce and marry someone better and kick my mother in law butt.

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