
What do you all think Of Sarkozy's speech about Greece?

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  1. I like Sarko. He can see who the real enemies of Europe are.

  2. sorry but what Did he say ??

  3. I think it's cool.. only watched 10 seconds.. I'm not Greek or even European or know who that person is or what's going on in the world.. but seemed cool :)

  4. He loves Greece more than Turkey...

    That is the only truth...

  5. The French are a cultured people who know history and respect civilisation. That is why they regard themselves as spiritual descendants of Greek thought, philosophy and culture, since the entire western rational way of thinking and civilisation is based on ancient Greek culture. A French friend of mine kissed the ground when he went to the Acropolis! He is perhaps more Greek than many of us are. That was the meaning of Sarkozy's speech. And that is why they respect ancient  Greece and modern Greece as well, because they know our history and realise where Greece stands in Europe and in the conflicts her neighbours create.  

  6. I think that Sarkozy can speak openly without being afraid of the criticisms. The fact that he does not want Turkey to join EU doesn't make him a Turkophobe. This is politics.

  7. He said many true things, he emphasizes on French-Greek alliance...

    But that's not really surprising since he is one quarter-Greek .

    He also had the same kind of speech in Israel, because he's one-quarter Jewish, and in Hungary because he's half-Hungarian...

    And after all, he had some TRADE to do and some MONEY to take from you...So you don't need to be that excited...He was in Greece only for taking your money...

    A good businessman is always "smiling" to his clients, you know...

    He is a turcophobe, and I think that's the reason why you love him this way...After all, you are only a 17 years-olds teen, so that's not your fault...Maybe you will open your eyes, someday...

    I suggest you come and visit France, and you will see the problems here...Sarkozy is abusing the government's money, with his hypocrit wife, while there are so many unemployed people in France...

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