
What do you all think about every body whining? About whether or not kids. should watch the new bat man movie.

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No the new batman is not for kids. Get over it. And dont let them see it. If you do. Thats your problem stop being a cry baby. Take some responsibilty for what you let your kids watch.And dont try to make it everybody elses problem.




  1. Mason is a moron.  Saying batman is a "child's comic book hero" is like saying every animated feature is a "cartoon".  The Dark Knight series never was a child's comic book...and believe it or not some comics ARE written with an adult audience in mind...Sin City was adapted from comics, I wouldn't take my kids to see that either.

    Meanwhile, I also won't berate other people on what they choose to be appropriate for their children and what isn't.  But don't ***** and moan because they make a movie that isn't just for kids.

  2. I agree. I always watch a movie before I let my almost 8 year old stepdaughter watch it (besides kid cartoons)

  3. eh, i say just take them. a little violence, so what?? ive been watchin rated R movies since i was 5. im perfectly adjusted...

  4. me and my son who is 6 just saw it on saturday he loved it

  5. It is bullshit batman is CHILDS COMIC BOOK HEREO.

  6. amen brother

  7. I agree. My son is a batman fan and I just go buy batman cartoons and tell him they are for him. The other one is fr adults and not kids. I tell him it is a scary movie. He's okay with that.

    It is okay to tell your child no. They wont die and they wont hate you.

  8. the true th is that it is the parents choice

  9. Man, Im 26 and Harvey's face about made me c**p myself.

    Edit: but it was a darned good movie.

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